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Over Unicly
Unicly is the protocol to combine, fractionalize, and trade NFTs. A fork of Sushiswap, it has a fully permissionless and community-owned AMM DEX.
Through Unicly, users can create their own uTokens, which represent fractional ownership in their NFT collections. Unicly currently hosts fractionalized CryptoPunks (uPUNK), Hashmasks (uMASK), Aavegotchi (uGOTCHI), Axies (uAXIE), and more. Anybody can fractionalize their NFT collections and list their uToken on Unicly.
You can read more about Unicly here: https://docs.unic.ly
# | Valuta | Paar | Prijs | +2% diepte | -2% diepte | Volume | Volume % | Bijgewerkt |
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