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Over BitMake

BitMake, founded in Dubai in 2020, is a cutting-edge cryptocurrency trading platform. Consisting of a number of experts from the financial industry and top-tier international technology companies in our team. We are proud to have secured a $50+ million investment in Series A funding.

In 2022, we launched our trading platform, offering a range of professional services including futures trading, spot trading, and lending. Our platform caters to users from over 30 countries and regions worldwide.

At BitMake, we prioritize the security and privacy of our users. That's why we employ industry-leading technology with proprietary intellectual property rights to safeguard digital assets and sensitive information.

One of our standout features is the unified trading account (UTA). This innovative functionality delivers a seamless trading experience highly valued by professional traders and investment institutions, while maintaining low entry barriers for retail users.

Furthermore, we have obtained MSB licenses from countries such as Canada and the United States, signifying our commitment to regulatory compliance. We are actively pursuing global expansion, ensuring our platform reaches even more users around the world.

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Financiële reserves
Bijgewerkt op 12:57:32 AM
Totaal: €12,551,486.15
Rechtstreeks gerapporteerd door de beurs

Alleen wallets met een saldo van >500.000 USD worden weergegeven
* Het saldo van deze wallets kan achterlopen

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