New World Order hinta 


9.07% (1 pv)

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New World Order - EUR -kaavio

Ladataan tietoja

Odota, lataamme kaaviotietoja

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New World Order tilastot


Volyymi (24h)


Volyymi/markkina-arvo (24h)
Itse ilmoitettu kiertävä tarjonta
10,000,000,000,000,000 STATE
10,000,000,000,000,000 STATE
Täysin laimennettu (FD) markkina-arvo
STATE - EUR muunnin
Kaikkien aikojen korkein
Sep 25, 2022 (2 years ago)
Kaikkien aikojen alhaisin
Oct 20, 2023 (6 months ago)
Katso historiatiedot
7001st / 9.9K
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Smart contract of the following asset can be modified by the contract creator (for example: disable selling, change fees, mint new tokens, or transfer tokens). Please exercise caution before taking any action and DYOR.

Ladataan tietoja

Odota, lataamme kaaviotietoja

New World Order community


New World Order kohteet

Kaikki parit

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New World Order uutiset


Tietoa New World Order

In short, our mobile application is a platform primarily intended to facilitate political parties as well as educational institutions, NGOs and faith communities globally to be able to enjoy higher levels of effective access in selected demographics and lower costs for marketing campaigns. By maintaining their messages with video in the app it will lead to less dependence on external publishers and advertisers.

Politicoin (PBLC) is an Etherum based cryptocurrency that enables the purchase of video advertising in the app to obtain promotional services on the platform. Users of the app can earn the New World Order (STATE) governance token for the attention they give to campaigns and choose whether they want to exchange their tokens for other currencies or donate some of their earnings back to various organisations.

The system is a new way for the principal to "get something in return for their vote"as the advertising will be across national borders and will counteract misinformation and disinformation before, during and after elections. Only manually approved advertisers will be allowed on the platform and no donations will happen until users and clients go through KYC process. Our aim is to protect people's freedom of expression and counteract the manipulation of international electoral systems while strengthening democracies and individual liberty.

The platform has been launched for mobile devices iOS and Android including social features, wallet and AR camera function. We will further focus on marketing, administration and partner activities to reach out to relevant agents and organisations on national and international basis.