LuckyStar hinta 


0.00% (1 pv)

LuckyStar - EUR -kaavio

Ladataan tietoja

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LuckyStar tilastot


Volyymi (24h)


Volyymi/markkina-arvo (24h)
Itse ilmoitettu kiertävä tarjonta
54,937,120 LUCK
4,000,000,000 LUCK
4,000,000,000 LUCK
Täysin laimennettu (FD) markkina-arvo
LUCK - EUR muunnin
Kaikkien aikojen korkein
Jun 06, 2023 (a year ago)
Kaikkien aikojen alhaisin
Sep 19, 2023 (7 months ago)
Katso historiatiedot
9160th / 9.9K
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LuckyStar uutiset


Tietoa LuckyStar

LuckyStar is a blockchain-based betting protocol that provides a fair, transparent, and self-custodial betting experience for all Web3 users. As the protocol is fully governed by immutable smart contracts, LuckyStar can surmount key obstacles inhibiting the growth of online betting today, such as random number generation, transparency, regulation & compliance restrictions, and traditional fiat currency payment processing issues.

Profit-Sharing: Truly Play to Earn: In LuckyStar, all participants are entitled to rewards, even if they lose the bet. All potential revenue generated by the protocol is fully distributed to players, liquidity providers, community members, and other contributors.

Decentralized Protocol: Everyone Can Be "the House": LuckyStar's principal design is to be 100% decentralized and governed by the community. The "house" of LuckyStar is represented as a public liquidity pool to which anyone can contribute, meaning that everyone can be a part of the ownership of the house, including our players.

Fairness & Transparency: The biggest concern for online betting platforms is the fairness of the game, particularly regarding random number generators (RNGs). Whether RNGs are genuinely random and cannot be exploited is the key to gaining users' trust. LuckyStar has solved this problem! We offer state-of-the-art, truly on-chain RNGs from API3, based on quantum mechanics to smart contracts (API3 QRNG). Furthermore, all historical RNG processes are immutably recorded on the blockchain by smart contracts, providing 100% transparency to the public.

User Asset Safety: Players are fully in control of their assets at all times. All players are encouraged to keep their crypto assets in their self-custodial wallet when playing at LuckyStar.

Privacy & Anonymous: Users remain entirely anonymous, with no KYC requirements. Simply connect your wallet to join, and no additional information is necessary.