Ref Finance

Ref Finance

Όγκος διαπραγματεύσεων (24ώ) Dex



Σχετικά με Ref Finance

Ref Finance is a community-led, multi-purpose Decentralized Finance (DeFi) platform built on NEAR Protocol.

Ref takes full advantage of NEAR’s low fees ($0.005 per swap), one-to-two second finality, and WebAssembly-based runtime (hello, Rust smart contracts!).

Using the recently launched Rainbow Bridge (NEAR <> ETH), traders can utilize the billions of dollars in ERC-20-compliant assets from Ethereum, and eventually, from any chain (BSC, Polygon/Matic, Cosmos/IBC, and others) on NEAR.

Ref Finance’s first product is an automated market maker (AMM). It is similar to Uniswap, with a few changes: - Multiple pools in a single contract. Traders can trade across pools atomically in a single transaction - Customizable LP fees per pool. LPs can charge higher fees for illiquid or highly volatile tokens. Referral fees for swaps, currently set at 1 bps. Developers can earn rewards for building UIs and other applications on top of Ref Finance

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