Canary Exchange

Canary Exchange


Volume data is untracked

This project is featured as an 'Untracked Listing'

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Σχετικά με Canary Exchange

Canary Exchange is a decentralized exchange (DEX) which runs on Avalanche, the most promising and the fastest blockchain!

Canary Exchange works with a model called AMM which is a game changing tech. Automated market makers (AMM) allow digital assets to be traded without permission and automatically by using liquidity pools instead of a traditional market of buyers and sellers.

Canary features a token which is called CNR Token that is the official token of the Canary Exchange and other Canary Ecosystem dApps. You earn CNR Token by using Canary Exchange. If you wish, you can swap the tokens you earn to another cryptocurrency through Canary Exchange. Or if you wish, you can stake your CNR Tokens again and earn more CNR Tokens!

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+2% Βάθος

-2% Βάθος


Volume %


No data is available now

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