What Is Scalping in Crypto?
Trading Analysis

What Is Scalping in Crypto?

Created 3yr ago, last updated 3yr ago

Scalping is a trading strategy in which a trader takes advantage of small variations in prices in lower time frames.

What Is Scalping in Crypto?

Table of Contents

What Is Scalping?

In the simultaneous process of selling and buying from different platforms, scalping is an important type of trading in which traders open and close the positions in markets belonging to different asset classes, such as securities and forex exchange, to make small profits from their trades. Scalping trading strategy in which a trader takes advantage of small variations in currency prices in lower time frames. This procedure ensures profits even if the bid price (the selling prices set by asset holders) do not move unless some traders are willingly interested in taking the market prices. The scalping process mainly involves establishing and converting a share into cash without affecting the actual market price.
Precisely speaking, scalping is an important trading strategy in which a scalper buys coins at a comparatively low price and makes rapid profit by reselling them. Thus, in purchasing and selling the coins in a single day, scalping is an increase of buying and selling activities to generate small profits. It is also notable that the profit from every transaction is based on a few basis points (one basis point is equal to 0.01%). Therefore, scalping is generally conducted when there is a large amount of capital involved and the leverage is high or where the bid-ask spread is narrow.

Who Is a Scalper?

A scalper is an individual who predicts buying and selling prices in lower time frames to generate profits. The primary function of a scalper is to gain an advantage of the volatility or price variation by setting orders using a specific price range in the crypto market. A trader must have a strong strategy to instantly sell their coins because a minor error in scalping can destroy a portfolio. Hence, following crypto experts and using the best technical indicators are necessary to make your crypto trades successful. Therefore, trading in smaller time-frames demands that the scalpers use the best indicators that predict near-to-accurate future price movements.

How Does Scalping Work?

Scalping is based on the concept that all the coins make an upward movement after experiencing a fall in prices, yet making accurate predictions is nearly impossible. A scalper attempts to take as many small profits as possible, which is the opposite of the popular concept of HODL. This strategic move achieves positive outcomes by sacrificing the size of wins and increasing the number of gains.

It goes against the norm where an investor holds their coins for a long time to gain profits by winning even less or half of their trades. Instead, it follows the idea that the number of successful trades should be much bigger than the loss. While keeping their profits slightly higher than the losses, a skilled and successful scalper has a high ratio of winning trades than losing ones.

The Assumptions in Scalping

The main assumptions of scalping include:

  • Less exposure to the market reduces the probability of an adverse event/loss.
  • Small moves are comparatively easier to attain. A huge imbalance regarding supply and demand is the major warrant of price changes. For instance, for stock, it is easier to make a $0.02 move than to make a 2$ move.
  • Larger moves are less frequent than smaller ones. Even during stable market positions, a scalper can exploit several small moves.

Final Thoughts

If you are interested in crypto trading, the know-how of scalping is really important, especially if you are planning to be a day trader. Besides, in order to know about the benefits and avoid the risks associated with scalping, a trader should also know about the basics. Sticking to potential strategies provides the key to converting your small profit into larger gains. Timely market insights and small moves are two prominent features that make scalping quite profitable to crypto investors.
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