Nic Carter

Nic Carter

Partner, Castle Island Ventures

Nic Carter是谁?

Before joining Castle Island, Nic Carter worked for Fidelity as their first cryptoasset analyst, where he devised research perspectives on public blockchains. He is the cofounder of, a platform devoted to demystifying on-chain data and bringing transparency to the industry. He has written extensively about token holder rights, cryptoasset governance models, and public blockchains as political institutions.


"As a currency which deliberately expunges any notion of identity, supporting the transactions of dissidents has always been at the core of bitcoin. Indeed, one of the first high-profile uses of bitcoin was to fund Wikileaks in 2011. At a time where financial infrastructure is increasingly politicized, and individuals risk getting unbanked or “derisked” from banks and payment processors for expressing disfavored political views, Bitcoin is rightfully gaining usage as a censorship-free payments medium."

Picture source: CoinDesk