CoinMarketCap Telegram Bot 101
CMC Updates

CoinMarketCap Telegram Bot 101

1 year ago

Integrate the CoinMarketCap Telegram Bot into your chat groups to get the latest price updates.

CoinMarketCap Telegram Bot 101


The official CoinMarketCap Telegram Bot is here:

How to Add the CoinMarketCap Telegram Bot Into Your Groups

1. Go to the CoinMarketCap Telegram Bot profile page.

2. Click on "More" - "Add To Group" and select your chat group.

3. Click on "Add Bot as Admin" with granted access.

4. You are all set!

What Can the CoinMarketCap Telegram Bot Do?

1. Use the /set_contract (admin only) command to set up a default token for your group, e.g. /set_contract 0x2170ed0880ac9a755fd29b2688956bd959f933f8
2. Use the /p (all users) command to query the latest price data of the default token
3. Use the /p <symbol> (all users) command to query the latest price data of a specific token, e.g. /p eth
4. Use the /disable_other_tokens command to restrict price checking for non-default tokens. Use the /enable_other_tokens command to allow price checking for non-default tokens.
5. Use the /enable_hourly_price_alert command to turn on an hourly price update of the default token. Price alert can be turned off by using the /disable_hourly_price_alert command.

Have fun playing with the CoinMarketCap Telegram Bot!

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