Anton Bukov

Anton Bukov

Co-founder of the 1inch Network

Anton Bukov kim?

Anton Bukov is the co-founder of the 1inch Network, a distributed network of decentralized protocols that enable the fastest, most lucrative and protected operations in major blockchain ecosystems. He has been involved in software development since 2002 and in DeFi since 2017. Prior to 1inch, he contributed to several crypto projects, including MultiToken, NEAR and Synthetix. 

In 2021: 

- The 1inch Network expanded to Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Polygon, Optimistic Ethereum and Arbitrum. 

- The 1inch Limit Order Protocol was released, offering users more efficient and flexible swap opportunities.

- The 1inch Wallet app was released - a multichain mobile platform that provides an easy-to-navigate interface with secure storing, transaction and staking capabilities. 

- A 10 mln 1INCH refund program was launched to compensate gas costs to 1inch users on Ethereum.


On Ethereum: “You have to worry about the network’s convenience for the community instead of longer-term state growth acceleration. Otherwise, Ethereum’s competitiveness gets affected, and more projects start considering migration to forked chains or other networks.”

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