Connector Spotlight: How Kurt Daradics Uses Braintrust Client Referrals to Bring Back ‘The Magic of Tech’.

Connector Spotlight: How Kurt Daradics Uses Braintrust Client Referrals to Bring Back ‘The Magic of Tech’.

1 year ago

Kurt’s referrals have made 15+ hires on the network, driving more than $3.7M in GSV while earning him over $75,000 in $BTRST tokens through the Client Connector Program.

Connector Spotlight: How Kurt Daradics Uses Braintrust Client Referrals to Bring Back ‘The Magic of Tech’.
When Kurt Daradics recommends people to Braintrust, it feels like a flashback to his years working for Esri CEO Jack Dangermond.

“Jack has over 5,000 people working for him, he’s on the Forbes 400, yet he would ask folks how he can help. He would answer, and give very clear directions, depending on what it was or who he was helping.”

Kurt, an independent executive recruiter, has brought that same helping hand to the Braintrust Client Connector Program, referring 5 clients that have since made 28 hires on the network. As a result, he is projected to earn more than $75,000 in $BTRST tokens, topping the network’s referral leaderboard.
The tokens are a nice bonus, giving him more say and ownership over the network he is a part of. However, Kurt continues to refer clients to Braintrust because he loves enriching the lives of those around him. It reminds him of the early days of the tech industry, when it felt like a tight-knit community working together to build things and make the world better. 

“I think that’s part of the magic of tech, which we’ve lost a lot of,” he says. “I think Braintrust can bring part of that magic back.”

What makes him so certain? Well, the abundance of top tech Talent has eased an often difficult and expensive search process, Kurt says, making a real difference for his friends who have hired on Braintrust, from NFT Genius and Artium to Hunt Club: 

“The quality has been remarkable,” he says. “Objectively, my referrals have been over the moon thrilled.” 

In fact, knowing he could count on that Talent recently gave Kurt extra confidence in co-founding a new venture, the Realworld Asset Group, a branded investment platform focused on funding real estate assets in the United States. 

“Having Braintrust as a resource in my back pocket was one of the things that gave me the emotional and operational leverage to know that, if we want to build something, we’ll have an incredible talent network to build a world class team quickly, and with a cost structure that works for everyone.”

Being a great connector doesn’t happen by accident. Kurt cherishes relationships the way he cherishes the many guitars that hang on the wall of his office. 

“It’s like when you’re in high school or college. There’s a killer band, and you want to be the one sharing it with your friends. It’s the value of being a trendspotter,” Kurt says.

He keeps a log of everybody in his network, and is known to send birthday notes and calls to longtime acquaintances and former colleagues. He regularly tracks the connections he makes, and will sometimes email old friends to ask how those introductions worked out. 

Now, whenever Kurt sees a new $BTRST deposit hit his account, he knows one of his Braintrust referrals is getting the help they needed.

“It’s about being a fiduciary for others, and being able to help people,” Kurt says. “It can be the simplest thing. At the end of many conversations, I ask, ‘Is there anything I can help you with this week?’ I even ask my family that.”

Sometimes you have to be selective about who you help, Kurt says. But if you can offer genuine help, and back it up with your actions, he believes it can make a huge difference in your career — as it has in his.

“Just try to help people,” he says. 

Want to start earning for referring? Join the Client Connector Program.
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