Shytoshi Kusama, enigmatic developer behind Shiba Inu, scheduled to speak at Untraceable's Blockchain Futurist Conference this year
The announcement was made on Shiba Inu's official Twitter account, much to the excitement of the token's fervent community.
The team's tweet also hinted at the unveiling of their "world paper" and promised to leave attendees "wagging their tails with excitement" with a few unexpected surprises.
This year's Untraceable's Blockchain Futurist Conference is slated to be a comprehensive and diverse affair. The conference will feature over 100 world-class speakers, industry experts and thought leaders engaging in discussions around blockchain technology, NFTs, the metaverse, DeFi, cryptocurrencies, DAOs and more.
The conference program includes more than 60 sessions, workshops and roundtables, allowing participants to learn from the most innovative companies in the field.
Designed to engage its participants through hands-on technology integrated into all aspects of the event, the Blockchain Futurist Conference is expected to attract a global audience.
Given Shiba Inu's immense popularity and the enigmatic persona of Kusama, this presentation is sure to be a highlight of the conference.