This New Car Will Allow You to Earn Crypto While You Drive
Crypto News

This New Car Will Allow You to Earn Crypto While You Drive

3 года назад

Motorists will be incentivized for environmentally friendly behavior — and they’ll receive KiriCoins for driving sustainably.

This New Car Will Allow You to Earn Crypto While You Drive


Would you be interested in earning crypto as you drive? Well, that might soon be possible.

The carmaking giant Stellantis has announced that this feature is going to play a starring role in the new Fiat 500.  

Motorists will be incentivized for environmentally friendly behavior — and they’ll receive KiriCoins for driving sustainably.

The funds can then be used to buy products and services in the Kiri marketplace.

Driving normally in the city is said to be worth one KiriCoin, which has a cash value of about two euro cents ($0.024). This means that someone who has a mileage of 10,000km a year could end up pocketing $150 ($178) over a 12-month period. Not bad.

Getting Competitive 

Stellantis also appears to be gamifying the race to be more eco-friendly.

Each motoring is going to be given an eco:Score that assesses how sustainable their driving style is.

Those who top the rankings are also going to be rewarded in the form of vouchers for big brands including Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Spotify.


Gabriele Catacchio, the company’s e-Mobility program manager, added:

“Driving data, such as distance and speed, is uploaded to the Kiri cloud and automatically converted into KiriCoins, using an algorithm devised by Kiri. The result is downloaded directly to the user’s smartphone and the KiriCoins can then be used to purchase products and services in the Kiri marketplace.”

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