Global Football Club Paris Saint-Germain F.C. Launches Fashion NFTs With Blvck Paris
Crypto News

Global Football Club Paris Saint-Germain F.C. Launches Fashion NFTs With Blvck Paris

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Paris Saint-Germain F.C., a prominent soccer club, has teamed up with the avant-garde fashion brand Blvck Paris to introduce an exclusive collaboration that seamlessly combines sports.

Global Football Club Paris Saint-Germain F.C. Launches Fashion NFTs With Blvck Paris
Paris Saint-Germain F.C., a prominent soccer club, has teamed up with the avant-garde fashion brand Blvck Paris to introduce an exclusive collaboration that seamlessly combines sports, fashion, and digital art. This collection encompasses both tangible apparel and an initial release through non-fungible tokens (NFTs), representing a distinctive integration of traditional and digital components.
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The digital fashion release, launched through 1,000 NFTs priced at $50 each, will be exclusively available on the marketplace. Notably, 10% of these NFTs are special editions that can be redeemed for a box containing physical items from the collaborative collection. Minted on the Cronos chain supported by, these NFTs provide early access to purchasing the physical merchandise and potential additional perks for NFT holders.

The unveiled pieces from the collection exhibit Blvck Paris's recognizable monochromatic aesthetic, featuring an all-black hoodie and soccer ball adorned with white text. The collaboration is poised to introduce more items, including a t-shirt, welcome mat, and scarf, maintaining the cohesive and stylish black-and-white theme. The physical fashion items are slated for release in the coming week, adding a tangible dimension to this innovative collaboration.

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