CoinMarketCap News, Oct 7: Did You Use Celsius? Your Name Might Be in This Court Document
Crypto News

CoinMarketCap News, Oct 7: Did You Use Celsius? Your Name Might Be in This Court Document

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Also today, South Korea's efforts to bring Terra employees to justice after the collapse of LUNA and UST may have suffered a setback.

CoinMarketCap News, Oct 7: Did You Use Celsius? Your Name Might Be in This Court Document


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Binance Smart Chain briefly suspends service 🚨

Binance Smart Chain briefly paused services due to an exploit on the BSC Token Hub cross-chain bridge that resulted in the creation of extra BNB. According to Binance CEO CZ, the equivalent of $100 million is the estimated amount affected by the exploit. The coins taken in the hack were not pre-existing BNB from user wallets, but instead BNB created by the attacker. Shortly before 8am London time, BSC was back up and running. In a blog post, BNB Chain apologized for the exploit — but said a swift community response helped to minimize losses. "Decentralized chains are not designed to be stopped, but by contacting community validators one by one, we were able to stop the incident from spreading," it added.

Celsius users doxed in court document 👀

We've been learning details about the withdrawals made by Celsius Network executives in recent days — and that's not all. A 14,500-page document has now emerged that reveals the transactions made by customers in granular detail. Full names are on show for all to see — as well as the dates transactions were made, and the type of account used. Deposits and interest payments are also itemized, alongside the value of the cryptocurrency and its exchange rate into U.S. dollars. However, addresses have been redacted throughout the court filing. With a number of bankruptcies and court cases in the works, the ideals of anonymity and privacy that crypto and blockchain users hold dear are getting tested.

Arrest warrant for Terra employee dismissed 😱

South Korea's efforts to bring Terra employees to justice after the collapse of LUNA and UST may have suffered a setback. According to Yonhap News, an arrest warrant for Mr. Yu — described as a key figure in the team — has been dismissed by a local court. The judge said it was "difficult to see the necessity and significance of the arrest." Prosecutors had requested an arrest warrant on charges of violating South Korea's Capital Markets Act, as well as fraud. It is alleged that Yu used a bot program for market manipulation — artificially increasing trading volumes and influencing prices. The prosecution may now go back to the drawing board and could consider reapplying for an arrest warrant in the future.
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