Samson Mow Lists 3 Ways to Greener Bitcoin, Including Learning Code

Samson Mow Lists 3 Ways to Greener Bitcoin, Including Learning Code

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Samson Mow emphasizes that traditional activism methods won't work for Bitcoin due to its decentralized nature. Read more on CE.

Samson Mow Lists 3 Ways to Greener Bitcoin, Including Learning Code
  • Traditional activism methods won’t work for Bitcoin, says Samson Mow.
  • The crypto leader argued that any meaningful change in Bitcoin requires real work.
  • Proposed solutions include learning to code, investing in energy, and green infrastructure.
Crypto industry leader Samson Mow recently took to Twitter to share his thoughts on how traditional activism methods will not work for Bitcoin. According to Mow, Bitcoin‘s decentralized nature means that it cannot be lobbied or influenced in the same way as centralized systems.

Mow explains that the Proof of Work system means that any meaningful change in Bitcoin requires real work and that activists must invest time and money into making a difference. Mow suggests that learning to code, understanding the code, and proposing changes on mailing lists are viable ways to create change in Bitcoin.

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