Everything You Wanted to Know About Polygon zkEVM’s Prover, But Were Too Afraid to Ask

Everything You Wanted to Know About Polygon zkEVM’s Prover, But Were Too Afraid to Ask

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At the center of Polygon zkEVM’s power is a working zkProver, with low-cost proof generation and quick finality

Everything You Wanted to Know About Polygon zkEVM’s Prover, But Were Too Afraid to Ask

When all the components of Polygon zkEVM Mainnet Beta are pieced together, a fairly simple picture emerges.

It’s a zero-knowledge (ZK) rollup with a straightforward purpose: to extend Ethereum’s blockspace. Doing so offers scalability for Ethereum by using the power of ZK. Thousands of transactions can be proved with a single proof! And that passes on low costs to users by moving expensive computations off-chain, but doing so without sacrificing security.
Read the full story on the Polygon Labs blog.
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