Dash is back with Dash of the Dead!
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Dash is back with Dash of the Dead!

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We are thrilled to announce the release of Dash of the Dead; the epic fast-paced 3D runner that allows you to help Dash escape thousands of zombies and flee the zombie-infested city.

Dash is back with Dash of the Dead!


We are thrilled to announce the release of Dash of the Dead; the epic fast-paced 3D runner that allows you to help Dash escape thousands of zombies and flee the zombie-infested city, powered by $HELLO.

With the release, we know there is a lot of excitement around what we’ve been building. We are eager to explain the game, the mechanics, and the best way to play. In this article we will guide you through using the following:

  • The game objective
  • The leaderboard structure
  • Powerups and special traits
  • The in-game marketplace
  • (New) NFT abilities

Your Objective

Shortly after the release of Doge Dash, we wanted to build a game that everyone can enjoy, but that can also be challenging and fun at the same time. We also wanted to ensure that not only the best NFT gamers are able to be victorious, but everyone, depending on their skill set and desire to win.

Dash of the Dead is all about you! You are the one person selected to bring Dash home safely! You need to take control and have Dash evade oncoming zombies and jump over different types of obsticles left behind on the zombie-infested roads of the city. Your objective is to flee the city and escape the zombie horde, but by doing so, you reach the suburbs, rural areas, and finally, the cemetery. As Dash travels long distances, daylight turns slowly into the evening glow, and then into the dark, cold night. Zombies will begin to flood the area in this dash or die environment.

We wanted to make sure that our GEN-1 NFTs felt meaningful not only in Doge Dash, but in the release of Dash of the Dead too, so we are proud to say that GEN-1 NFTs will be 100% usable in Dash of the Dead, and will appear as a 3D playable character version when you connect your wallet and select your favorite NFT.

Our developers are hard at work building a solution that will allow 2D NFTs to be upgradable to their 3D version. More information will be released as it is made available.

Gamers will quickly realize that the game can be won with skill and a dash of luck. You must maintain focus on Dash while taking in the beautiful city sights and environments. Let's have a look at some mechanics that we built around the game.

The Leaderboard

It was time to change how players compete for rewards. We see that gamers will strive for an ego boost, tokens, or honor. The leaderboard structure in Dash of the Dead has been redesigned and now functions as a weekly leaderboard, in which only your highest score goes onto the leaderboard.

Our objective is that players with better skills or better NFTs do not reach the top of the leaderboard easily, but the gamers that put their effort in. Still, playing with an NFT gives benefits in terms of coins collected and some special traits like long jumps and the ability to headbutt a zombie (and survive).

To rank top of the weekly leaderboards you need to Dash fast to be able to collect those coins! Your score is calculated using a combination of the distance traveled and the coins you collected.

Besides focusing on why you collect coins, or how to travel further, we also introduced a score penalty mechanism. One penalty is when you run into a Zombie or hit an obstacle, you will lose a life and some of your collected coins.
The second penalty is that you respawn some distance behind the place you died. Immediately you’ll see that your total score reduces after reviving.

The leaderboard now ends weekly, which will trigger a reset and the payouts in $HELLO tokens. All credits consumed for game entrees will go towards the weekly reward pool, of that 10% will be taxed as development and production.

We have some cool ideas up our sleeve for the leaderboard, but more information about this in future updates.

Powerups and Special Traits

We decided for the gameplay to strive towards an equal distribution of available powerups and traits for players. We wanted more players to be able to use powerups and traits, otherwise they would only be available to gamers using their NFTs.

The powerups and traits have been merged from Doge Dash into Dash of the Dead. Certain NFTs can still collect double or triple coins as multipliers. Some have higher (better) jumps, while some have an extra life - all NFT players still get an extra life. We also mixed things up to create a more equal playing field.

Change 1: More NFTs with special abilities

The first action was to increase the number of NFT players with a special ability. Building on the existing Doge Dash GEN-1 collection, we added two special traits:

  • Mohawk
  • Sunglasses
The Mohawk trait (both red and blue) can now headbutt zombies. By tapping or pressing 'E', your NFT will perform a power roll to smash through zombies.
The Sunglasses trait will now highlight zombies. During longer runs Dash will enter the dark outskirts of the city, making this ability really stand out.

Both traits are common to the collection and will benefit more players that play with their NFT. More about this in the "NFT Abilities" section.

Change 2: Adding all NFT traits as abilities and powerups in the marketplace

To allow more gamers to experience the benefits of holding an NFT, we added all known and new NFT traits as purchasable and usable (on-use) abilities in the new in-game marketplace. The special abilities players can buy in the store, using HELLO Credits are:

  • X2 coins (multiplier)
  • X3 coins (multiplier)
  • Extra life
  • Super jump (+ glide)
  • Headbutt
  • Sunglasses
  • Magnet
  • Invincibility
You can purchase both abilities and powerups in the marketplace. Abilities stay with you for the duration of the game. Powerups last between 10-15 seconds depending on the powerup used.

More information about the marketplace in the "The In-game Marketplace" section.

Change 3: Dropping powerups on the map

Players will find powerups appearing along the route. When you grab one of these silver-colored powerups, that ability is activated for 10 or 15 seconds depending on its nature. You can become invincible, use the magnet to attract all coins you run past, and much more. Powerups are shown on the right hand side of the screen and can be activated by touching them. Abilities are shown at the left side of the screen.

The In-game Marketplace

One of the most exciting changes is the new in-game marketplace. We still have a lot of ideas to build on around this and we wanted to focus on the setup, functionality, and benefits of using the marketplace.

All players can benefit from special abilities or powerups to be used while playing the game and obtained through the marketplace. This increases competitiveness as well as an equal playing field. In the marketplace, you will find well known NFT-bound abilities, but also some new ones. All items in the marketplace are bought using the HELLO Credits, which itself can be bought using the $HELLO token.

Abilities vs Powerups

Abilities are special powers that stay with you after purchase for the duration of the game.
Powerups are limited in the time they are active during your run, depending on the powerups; 10 to 15 seconds from the moment you activate them during your run. So use them wisely!
In the marketplace, we offer all NFT traits to be used by all players, even without an NFT. Players can use their credits to purchase and store them in their account. Using them is even easier. Before you start a run, the game will ask you if you want to use the abilities you bought previously, by selecting these you can use them in the game.


Lootboxes are now a fun way to roll the dice and try to see what you get for your credits! We designed a fun algorithm that ensures you always get value for credits, cool abilities, powerups and even credits. Our developers are building on more ways lootboxes can increase in benefits for players to have an even greater experience. Stay tuned for updates.

NFT Abilities

As NFT gamers know, all our Doge Dash GEN-1 NFTs have unique and special abilities. All NFTs have an extra life when playing, but we also preserved the existing abilities:

1) An additional life for all NFTs with the traits: “Halo and X-eyes”

2) Extra long jump ability for NFTs with the traits: “Angel Wings and Angel Wing Shoes”

3) Double the number of coins collected with NFTs with the trait: “Golden Chain”

4) Triple the number of coins collected with NFTs with the traits: “King's Crown”

5) All the above combined for NFTs with the trait: “Ultra Rare”.

But we also added two new trait abilities to give more NFT holders the benefits they deserve:

6) Red or Blue Mohawk NFTs can smash through the zombies by giving them a headbutt dumble roll
7) Sunglasses trait will give players the advantage that all zombies light up and become fluorescent, especially in the darker outskirts of the city zombies are still easier to be detected.

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With these changes, we increase the number of NFTs with special abilities from about 900 to more than 3000 NFTs.

In conclusion, we made big changes to increase gamer satisfaction, make the game more challenging, and provide a much better gaming experience to all types of gamers. From casual gamers looking to enjoy the beautiful game to pro gamers that look to bring it all to the table, everyone can compete for the top position on the leaderboard and to reap those HELLO tokens!


Information about the game: https://www.hello.one/arcade/dashofthedead
Information about the NFTs: https://opensea.io/collection/dogedash
General information about HELLO: https://linkin.bio/thehellolabs
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