Flow Dapp Ecosystem Q1 Report

Flow Dapp Ecosystem Q1 Report

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NFTs and Games Drive Flow’s Growth, NBA Top Shot and Joyride Games Lead the Way

Flow Dapp Ecosystem Q1 Report
Flow is a widely recognized blockchain, and in the year 2022, it gained prominence as the third-largest blockchain platform for NFT transactions while maintaining its position as the top-performing blockchain in terms of all-time sales. The following report will explore its performance in the first quarter of 2023.

Key Takeaways
  • Flow had around 12,971 daily unique active wallets in Q1 2023, with NFT activity representing 50.5% of total activity and games activity representing 49.5%.
  • NFT sales volume in FLOW tokens rose by 13.8% this quarter, increasing from 37,100 FLOW in January to 42,400 FLOW in March.
  • NBA Top Shot and NFL All Day are leading NFT marketplaces on the Flow blockchain, with 51.6% and 31.5% dominance, respectively.
  • Joyride Games’ trio of games were the top games on the Flow blockchain in Q1 2023.
  • Flow DeFi’s TVL increased by 24% this quarter, rising from $5 million to $6.1 million, driven by Increment Finance.
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