Introducing RaceFi New Feature — Racing Leader!!!

Introducing RaceFi New Feature — Racing Leader!!!

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Introducing RaceFi New Feature — Racing Leader!!!


Hi again RaceFi — er! The Open Beta is coming really close now. This time, we would love to announce to you a feature that will appear in the game on March 3rd: Racing Leader. Please keep reading for more details of it.

1. What is the Racing Leader?

It is a ranking of the player’s gaming achievements. In RaceFi, achievement is shown by ranking point which is converted by playing single player and multiplayer then getting top rank.

Racing Leader gains competition between players, where players prove their high level through ranking position. In addition, high — ranking players will also win attractive gifts from the game publisher.

2. How to count the points?

Players after joining the race in Single Player and MultiPlayer modes will get points under the following conditions:

- Players with high scores in the match will get awarded points

- Players with low scores will have points deducted

- The lowest score is 0 if the player reaches 0 points, losing will not be deducted points.

- The player who wins 3 games in a row gets + 3 points.

- Each season will have a period for players to race and earn points. At the end of the season, the player’s score will be reset to 0.

Formula of adding and subtracting points in Racing Leader:

Points add and subtract will be based on the rank in the match and the total number of participants in that match.

Table of common points addition and subtraction formula: applies to single player and multiplayer

3. How to know your rank?

There are 3 rankings that players can follow:

Racing Leader: The overall leaderboard, including the total score of the player achieved from the single player and multiplayer modes.
Single: A ranking of the number of points a player has achieved after playing single player.
PVP: Ranking of the number of points achieved by players after playing multiplayer.

Players with high scores will be ranked higher. In case, players have the same score, the player with the fewer total matches will be ranked higher.

4. How to get rewards?

The Racing Leader feature will be released in Open Beta, players will join the races and compete for the ranking position on Racing Leader. Every week, a reward of $300 will be given to the 10 people with the highest position in Racing Leader. Get ready to win and get the prizes!


About RaceFi:

RaceFi is a Decentralised Metaverse and Car Racing game with Web3 infrastructure | Built on Multichain(Solana, BNBChain, Polygon), Unreal Engine 5, AI/ML. All ownable parts of the game are in the form of verifiably owned NFTs. Within RaceFi’s ecosystem, players can earn while enjoying various game modes to satisfy the thirst for speed or make a profit by owning in-game property.
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