Cinemas in a virtual world. Kinepolis enters Outer Ring MMO

Cinemas in a virtual world. Kinepolis enters Outer Ring MMO

1 year ago

Kinepolis group will offer services within Outer Ring MMO , becoming the first virtual cinema in the metaverse.

Cinemas in a virtual world. Kinepolis enters Outer Ring MMO


Kinepolis group will offer services within Outer Ring MMO , becoming the first virtual cinema in the metaverse.

Companies are starting to explore the frontiers of the virtual world, or metaverse, to approach new audiences and market their products and services. Kinepolis, through its agreement with Outer Ring MMO, will be the first cinema group to integrate itself into a videogame, allowing its players to buy tickets, enjoy trailers and exclusive content, or simply discuss the latest films.
Kinepolis already owns more than 110 complexes, and now the first virtual cinema in the metaverse.

Building in the metaverse

Outer Ring is a video game with a science fiction open world. Within it, players will enjoy multiple adventures, along with social experiences or massive virtual events. With this alliance, Kinepolis is set to build its own persistent space inside the game: a cinema where its audience can interact in real time while they continue immersed in the videogame.

Outer Ring MMO is developed by Maniac Panda Games, one of the biggest blockchain games studios in Europe owned by Nexxyo Labs. The use of cryptocurrencies, or fiat payment gateways within Outer Ring will also allow Kinepolis to sell both physical products, tickets to its cinemas, and digital products in the form of collectibles, game items or skins.
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