Aptos Foundation Awards $3.5m in Ecosystem Grants
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Aptos Foundation Awards $3.5m in Ecosystem Grants

1 year ago

The Aptos Foundation has unveiled its first round of grant recipients, awarding more than $3.5M to 50 project teams focused on scaling the Aptos blockchain. Through the grant, the foundation aims to foster a collaborative and innovative environment for developers and entrepreneur...

Aptos Foundation Awards $3.5m in Ecosystem Grants

The Aptos Foundation has unveiled its first round of grant recipients, awarding more than $3.5M to 50 project teams focused on scaling the Aptos blockchain. Through the grant, the foundation aims to foster a collaborative and innovative environment for developers and entrepreneurs in the Aptos ecosystem and the broader Web3 landscape.

Grants were distributed across four categories, with notable recipients including Mokshya and Pontem for Developer Tooling, Aries and KYCDao for Infrastructure; Overmind and Aptos Eden for Education, as well as Tsunami and Topaz for Ecosystem. The Aptos Foundation claims that it prioritizes public good services, infrastructure, while encouraging open-source development projects.

Bashar Lazaar, Head of Ecosystem and Partnerships at Aptos Foundation, will lead the growth of the grant program as the Grants & Ecosystem Lead, bringing in business development experience from Consensys.

“It’s fundamental that we continue cultivating strong relationships with our community of developers and entrepreneurs to foster a collaborative, sustainable and innovative environment for the success of Aptos and the broader web3 ecosystem,” shares Lazaar.

The foundation received over 500 applications, with the chosen projects meeting criteria based on idea merit, potential value for the broader ecosystem, and the team's ability to execute.

Movement On the Chain

The Aptos blockchain has been generating significant attention in the crypto space, due to its innovative architecture and strong development team. Aptos has already secured substantial funding from notable investors, formed a partnership with Google Cloud, and attracted interest from numerous developers and projects.

As such, Aptos' blockchain comes in as a new solution aimed at addressing the challenges faced by current blockchain infrastructures such as outages, high costs, low throughput limits, and security concerns. Developed by a global team of over 350 developers, Aptos incorporates innovative features in consensus, smart contract design, system security, performance, and decentralization. Its design principles prioritize scalability, safety, reliability, and upgradeability.

Aptos has a feature set that includes the integration of the Move language for secure transaction execution, a data model that enables flexible key management and hybrid custodial options, a pipelined and modular approach for transaction processing, support for atomic transactions without upfront knowledge of data access, a modular architecture that enables frequent upgrades and on-chain change management, as well as open experimentation with initiatives to scale from individual validator performance through internal and homogeneous state sharding.

The Aptos ecosystem has been growing rapidly, with projects such as Blocto, Solrise, Pontem Network, Laminar, Econia, Empo, Hanson, and Liquidswap already developing on the platform.

Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not offered or intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.

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