PUBLISH opens NEWS-LMT deposits and withdrawals

PUBLISH opens NEWS-LMT deposits and withdrawals

1 Minuten
1 year ago

PUBLISH opens NEWS-LMT deposits and withdrawals
PUBLISH is pleased to announce the opening of NEWS-LMT (Luniverse-based NEWS tokens) deposits on TokenPost Korea Edition.
In addition to being able to deposit and withdraw NEWS-ETH, registered TokenPost users can now deposit and withdraw NEWS-LMT.

How to deposit NEWS-LMT

Step 1: Sign in to TokenPost and go to “마이페이지” (My Page) > “입출금” (deposits and withdrawals).

Step 2: Click “입금주소 생성” (create wallet address) under “NEWS 입금” (NEWS deposits).

Step 3: Click “복사” (copy) to copy your Luniverse wallet address.

How to withdraw NEWS-LMT

Step 1: Sign in to TokenPost and go to “마이페이지” (My Page) > “입출금” (Deposits and withdrawals).

Step 2: Click the “Luniverse” button under “NEWS 출금” (NEWS withdrawals).

Step 3: Enter the withdrawal address (“출금주소”) and amount (“수량”) you want to withdraw. Then click “출금하기” (withdraw).

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