Flare Network Partners with Google Cloud for API Integrations
Crypto News

Flare Network Partners with Google Cloud for API Integrations

3 Minuten
1 year ago

Flare Network, a Ripple-supported Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) protocol, has announced its partnership with Google Cloud. The collaboration integrates Flare's API Portal with the Google Cloud Marketplace, making it accessible to anyone with a Google Cloud account. Flare Network...

Flare Network Partners with Google Cloud for API Integrations

Flare Network, a Ripple-supported Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) protocol, has announced its partnership with Google Cloud. The collaboration integrates Flare's API Portal with the Google Cloud Marketplace, making it accessible to anyone with a Google Cloud account.

Flare Network, a Layer 1 blockchain protocol designed to offer developers decentralized access to high-integrity data from other chains and the internet, has taken a significant step forward by integrating its API Portal with the Google Cloud Marketplace. This move marks the introduction of some of the first blockchain APIs on the platform, providing developers with easy access to blockchain transactions and up-to-date state data from Flare's nodes and Connected Chain nodes.


#Flare has integrated its @APIPortal on @googlecloud Marketplace, launching some of the first #blockchain APIs on the platform. Developers can use the Marketplace to easily access nodes of the top blockchains, including BTC, ETH, BNB, XRP & FLR.https://t.co/c3dFq6R0Oh

— Flare ☀️ (@FlareNetworks) May 3, 2023


The integration expands Google Cloud Marketplace's built-in support for blockchain APIs, now encompassing Algorand, Binance’s BNB Smart Chain, Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, Flare, Litecoin, Songbird, and XRP. Future blockchain APIs added to Flare's API Portal will also be accessible to Google Cloud developers.By leveraging blockvchain APIs, developers can create applications that perform transactions and query on-chain data relating to the chain's latest state without the need to run their own node for each blockchain they want to interact with. This feature is particularly useful when developing cross-chain applications that require data from multiople sources. Major exchanges and wallets utilize the API Portal as a safeguard for their infrastructure.

The integration enables Google Cloud users to easily access all of Flare's current APIs through their existing Google Cloud account. Furthermore, expenses on Flare APIs through Google Cloud Marketplace can count towards a customer's committed spend on Google Cloud. Flare's VP of Engineering, Josh Edwards, highlighted the importance of the integration, stating that it reduces barriers to Web3 participation and enables developers to experiment with blockchain technology without incurring high hardware costs and maintenance.

James Tromans, Head of Web3 Engineering at Google Cloud, expressed excitement about supporting and promoting Web3 partners in their ecosystem, citing Flare's high-performance APIs integration into the Marketplace. Flare's EVM-based Layer 1 aims to enhance the utility of blockchain by offering decentralized access to high-integrity data from other chains and Web2 sources. Every blockchain connected by Flare's data and interoperability infrastructure will ultimately be added to Google Cloud, granting developers access to the top 100 chains.

Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not offered or intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.

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