What Does Sweep the Floor Mean for NFT Trading
Crypto Basics

What Does Sweep the Floor Mean for NFT Trading

Sweeping the floor is a strategy deployed by some NFT traders, where they buy a lot of NFTs at or near the floor price of the collection.

What Does Sweep the Floor Mean for NFT Trading


In the rapidly expanding world of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), "sweep the floor" has emerged as a practical trading strategy, transforming the way traders interact with digital art and collectibles, while presenting both unique opportunities and challenges in the NFT market.

As we navigate the thrilling domain of NFT trading and "sweep the floor" strategies, it's crucial to acknowledge that NFT trading and collecting is volatile and the strategies mentioned in this article are not financial advice. So, buckle up and join us on this exciting journey, as we unravel the mysteries of the "sweep the floor" phenomenon in NFT trading.

Understanding Floor Sweeping in NFTs

Some NFT traders deploy a strategy to make profits called “floor sweeping”. They buy a lot of NFTs at the cheapest price in the group, also known as the floor price. When they do this, they make the floor price go up and make other people want to buy fast before it goes up more. They also make the NFTs seem more valuable.

How Sweeping the Floor Works in NFT Trading?

Sweeping the floor typically involves the following steps:

1. Identifying an NFT collection of interest: Traders first select a collection that they believe holds potential for growth and increased demand.
2. Analyzing the floor price: Traders monitor the floor price of the chosen collection and look for suitable entry points to make their purchases.
3. Snapping up multiple NFTs near the floor price: Once the traders find an opportune moment, they quickly buy multiple NFTs listed at or near the floor price, aiming to accumulate a significant number of assets.
4. Boosting the floor price: As cheaper NFTs are snapped up, the floor price goes up, making other investors see a growing demand and value for the collection.
5. Selling at a profit: Traders who have successfully swept the floor may then choose to sell their NFTs at a higher price, capitalizing on the increased demand and floor price.
This is how “sweeping the floor” strategy looks on the Blur.io NFT marketplace

Source: Blur.io

What Is an NFT Floor Price?

Floor price is key to the “sweep the floor” strategy, as it shows the lowest value of NFTs in a collection. The floor price is the lowest price that you can currently pay to own an NFT within a collection or project.

A higher floor price can mean more demand and value, attracting other investors to buy NFTs before the price goes up more. On the other hand, a lower floor price may suggest less interest and potential losses for those who own NFTs in that collection.

Understanding and monitoring the floor price dynamics are essential for traders employing the "sweep the floor" strategy, as it helps them make informed decisions on when to enter or exit the market and maximize their returns.

FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and Its Role in “Sweep the Floor” Strategy

One of the driving forces behind the "sweep the floor" phenomenon is the psychological concept of FOMO or “Fear of Missing Out.” This fear stems from the belief that others are experiencing something desirable, and that by not participating, one might miss out on potential gains or opportunities.

As the floor price of an NFT collection rises due to sweeping, other investors may feel compelled to purchase NFTs to avoid missing out on potential profits. This heightened sense of urgency can further fuel the demand, leading to a self-reinforcing cycle of increasing prices and FOMO.

The Perceived Value of NFTs and the Impact on Floor Prices

NFTs get their value for traders from different metrics like scarcity, utility and the reputation of the creator or project. These factors affect the floor price movements, which are key for the “sweep the floor” strategy. This strategy means buying up a lot of NFTs at the lowest price in a collection or project. This pushes up the floor price and makes an impression of higher value and demand for the NFT collection. Other investors may then rethink the value of these digital assets and buy more of them. This can boost the floor price more.

Investor Behavior and Decision-Making in NFT Trading

The success of the "sweep the floor" strategy largely depends on the behavior and decision-making of other investors in the NFT market. As sweeping occurs, market participants must decide whether to follow the trend, hold on to their NFTs, or sell them. The overall sentiment and confidence in the NFT collection can significantly impact these decisions.

In some cases, "sweep the floor" can lead to a herd mentality, where investors blindly follow the actions of others without fully understanding the risks and potential rewards. On the other hand, some market participants may adopt a contrarian approach, selling their NFTs as the floor price rises, potentially dampening the momentum of the sweeping strategy.

The Pros and Cons of “Sweep the Floor” NFT Strategy

The "Sweep the Floor" strategy in NFT trading has its pros and cons.


  • Rapid NFT accumulation: Allows traders to quickly amass NFTs in a specific collection, potentially leading to substantial profits.
  • High return potential: Successful sweeping can result in significant gains as floor prices rise and demand grows.
  • Long-term growth opportunities: Investing in promising NFT collections can lead to long-term benefits if fundamentals and market conditions remain favorable.


  • Overpaying risk: Traders may pay higher prices for NFTs, leading to losses if floor prices drop or fail to rise further.
  • Market manipulation: The strategy is susceptible to manipulative tactics by bad actors, leading to artificial price inflation and potential losses for other investors.
  • Sustainability concerns: Rapid buying and selling contribute to market volatility and price fluctuations, posing risks for all participants.

In summary, "sweep the floor" offers opportunities and risks. Traders must carefully evaluate these factors and make informed decisions based on their risk tolerance and investment objectives.


Sweeping the floor strategy has significantly impacted NFT trading, offering unique opportunities and risks, such as overpaying, market manipulation, and sustainability concerns. Understanding the psychological aspects and ethical considerations of this strategy enables traders to make informed decisions about engaging in it.

Ultimately, cautious engagement and responsible trading practices are essential for fostering a sustainable, thriving ecosystem for digital art and collectibles in the evolving NFT market.

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