Kanga Exchange

Kanga Exchange


Volume data is untracked

Tämä projekti on esitelty 'Seuraamattomana listauksena'

For more details on the listing tiers, please refer to Listings Review Criteria Section B - (3)

Varat yhteensä

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Tietoa Kanga Exchange

Kanga Exchange, launched on 13/09/2018, is a dedicated platform for all ICO market participants, i.e. investors, creators, brokers, etc. The heart of the project is a cryptocurrency and token exchange. The founders’ goal is to create a site that allows not only cryptographic asset trading and provides token creation tools but also transaction processing mechanisms for ICO project customers (means of payment other than the ICO token, e.g., BTC, USD, EUR, etc., and many other features). Kanga is a crypto/crypto (registered in Seychelles) exchange with FIAT gateways (Polish company) via stablecoins (process and stable coins approved by KNF [Polish SEC equivalent]) and integration with https://mosaico.ai for STO tokenization.

Lue lisää
Yhteensä: --
Ei tietoja
Tokenin jakautuminen
Ei tietoja








+2% Depth

-2% Depth


Volyymi %


Tietoja ei ole nyt saatavilla

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