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Über KokomoSwap

What Is KokomoSwap (KOKOMO)?

A Fun & Easy AMM DEX on Binance Smart Chain. KokomoSwap is a Binance Smart Chain-based AMM (automated market maker) DEX(decentralized exchange) designed to facilitate the seamless transaction of crypto assets in a fun-filled and profitable manner.

Who Are the Founders of KokomoSwap?

KokomoSwap has a team of experienced developers and business experts with many years in blockchain and crypto fields. But the KokomoSwap team works anonymously.

What differentiates KokomoSwap from others?

  • KokomoSwap is a BSC-based DEX specialized for token pairs with large communities or high-volume tokens on centralized exchanges or Ethereum-based DEX.
  • The low gas fees and the fast transactions afforded by the BSC make transactions easier.
  • KokomoSwap is designed by a strong team of developers and business experts with diverse professional experiences and a deep collective understanding of blockchain technology.
  • The team appreciates the importance of community. We will encourage community engagement and continuously add token Burn & Lock models driven by our community, which grant sophisticated incentive models for users.
  • KokomoSwap understands how the supply and demand of the native governance token, $KOKOMO, are significant. We will put the most effort into the sustainable growth of $KOKOMO value.
  • Our team focuses on a consistent product and communication strategy to provide an optimal user experience. On top of that, we will set key objectives and business roadmaps geared towards driving users and building project value.
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