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Reservedaten nicht verfügbarÜber DragonEX
Launched on 2 November 2017 in Singapore, DragonEx is a cryptocurrency exchange with a cryptocurrency trading service license acquired in Estonia. DragonEx describes itself as a community-driven exchange with over 300,000 KYC-verified users and aims to become the best community exchange. As of Jun 2019, there are over 18 wechat communities, 8 QQ Communities, and 2 telegram communities for DragonEx. DragonEx focuses on the Asian market.
There are different levels of trading fees, usually 0.2% for taker and 0% for maker. DragonEx claims to be the first exchange that introduced the transaction mining model. The DragonEx App is available in the App Store and Google Play. There are derivatives on DragonEx including options, futures, and leveraged trading. KYC is mandatory for users trading, depositing, or withdrawing cryptos on DragonEx. For cybersecurity measures, DragonEx has reportedly been working with cybersecurity companies and performing internal audits at regular intervals.
# | Währung | Paar | Preis | +2 % Tiefe | -2 % Tiefe | Volumen | Volumen (%) | Aktualisiert |
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