CoinMarketCap Earn Launches ~$50,000 Campaign With FIO Protocol

CoinMarketCap Earn Launches ~$50,000 Campaign With FIO Protocol

3 years ago

CoinMarketCap's latest Earn campaign is with blockchain protocol FIO Protocol.

CoinMarketCap Earn Launches ~$50,000 Campaign With FIO Protocol


CoinMarketCap Earn, an educational program that teaches users about cryptocurrencies in exchange for crypto rewards, is launching their next Earn campaign with FIO Protocol.

CoinMarketCap users can watch educational videos to learn about FIO Protocol, then test their knowledge with a short quiz — if they get the quiz answers correct, they will receive a reward in FIO tokens!

This CoinMarketCap Earn campaign for FIO has a reward pool of 125,000 FIO (about $50,000). Successful quiz takers will receive 20 FIO (about $8 per user until the rewards pool runs out).

What’s Up With Earn?

For this earn campaign, only CMC users with Binance Know-Your-Customer-verified accounts BEFORE taking the campaign will be able to participate in the CoinMarketCap FIO Protocol campaign — this is to guarantee a smooth token distribution process for our quiz winners.

While in the future, CoinMarketCap Earn campaigns may expand to using other exchanges, only Binance KYC accounts are able to receive FIO rewards in the FIO Protocol campaign. MAKE SURE THAT YOUR ACCOUNT IS ALREADY BINANCE KYC-VERIFIED BEFORE YOU COMPLETE THE QUIZ!

We have made the decision to offer the Earn campaign to Binance KYC accounts due to the inherent blockchain risks for on-chain settlement of large rewards pools. The internal distribution of rewards by Binance to KYC-verified users helps ensure that the rewards are delivered in a safe and timely manner, as well as prevents fake accounts from taking rewards.

Who’s Ready to Earn FIO?

Before you can begin earning FIO, you must make an account on CoinMarketCap, which can easily be done right here.
Once you’re in your CMC account, go to the CoinMarketCap FIO page to watch a series of educational videos about the project — and don’t forget to pay attention!
Once you finish watching the videos, you will be able to take a short quiz — you can only take the quiz once, so it might be a good idea to take notes!

If you successfully complete the quiz, you will receive 20 FIO (~$8) as a reward!

What Is FIO?

FIO Protocol is a blockchain protocol that aims to create a more efficient way of sending and receiving coins and tokens. FIO Protocol’s high level goal is to deliver usability for the entire blockchain ecosystem — similar to what HTTP did for the internet. 

FIO Protocol acts as a decentralized layer to the whole blockchain ecosystem, supplying workflow, data and confirmations leading up to transactions on other blockchains. However, the FIO Protocol does not actually interact directly with any other blockchain, but with a blockchain’s endpoints. The FIO token was made to pay for transactions on the blockchain.

What Is Earn?

CoinMarketCap Earn enables crypto enthusiasts to learn more about a particular cryptocurrency. Each user watches a series of educational videos about an asset, completes a quiz and is rewarded for their correct answers with crypto. With CoinMarketCap Earn, CMC can increase the breadth of knowledge about the crypto industry as part of its goal of showcasing the cryptocurrency revolution each step of the way.

A CoinMarketCap account is required for users to participate in the educational CoinMarketCap Earn campaigns. Please remember that not all jurisdictions are supported at this time, so confirm that your jurisdiction is supported by checking out our FAQ section.
To check on the status of previous Earn campaign distribution, click here.
To check out “CoinMarketCap Earn” please visit:
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