One of World's Oldest Viral Videos is Being Deleted from YouTube and Turned Into NFT
Crypto News

One of World's Oldest Viral Videos is Being Deleted from YouTube and Turned Into NFT

3 года назад

"Ouch. Ouch. OUCH CHARLIE. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Charlie, that really hurt!"

One of World's Oldest Viral Videos is Being Deleted from YouTube and Turned Into NFT


One of the world’s most viral home videos is being turned into an NFT — with the official clip set to be deleted from YouTube forever.

“Charlie Bit Me” has been viewed more than 880 million times since it was uploaded all the way back in 2007.

But now, an NFT auction is being held for the clip — meaning just one person will have a chance to own and see this piece of internet history.

The winner will also get a chance to create their own parody of the video starring Harry and Charlie, the two boys who appeared in the original clip.

‘Ouch, Charlie!’ 

The video, filmed by the Davies-Carr family and originally intended for friends, shows one-year-old Charlie sitting on the lap of his big brother Charlie.

As the family explained:

“Inexplicably, Harry decides to put his finger in Charlie's mouth, and the rest is history. The 56-second video takes you on an adorable rollercoaster of joy, pain, love, and laughter, plus all the facial expressions to boot.”

Harry is now 17 years old while Charlie is 15 — and the family say the arrival of NFTs marks the perfect opportunity for them to embark on the next chapter of their lives. Given how such auctions have performed in the past, they could be in for a life-changing sum of money. On an official website for the sale, the family added:

“This is not the end of the beloved video, but rather a new beginning.”

The auction is set to begin on May 22, and the video will vanish a day later.

Famous pictures and videos from the early days of the internet have sold for handsome prices in recent months.

An NFT of “Disaster Girl,” the photo that showed four-year-old Zoe Roth smirking mischievously in front of a house fire, sold for cool 180 ETH in April.
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