OpenAI CEO’s Worldcoin Raises $115 Million
Crypto News

OpenAI CEO’s Worldcoin Raises $115 Million

1 year ago

Worldcoin is a new cryptocurrency project that aims to create a global digital identity system using biometric scanning.

OpenAI CEO’s Worldcoin Raises $115 Million


OpenAI CEO’s Worldcoin Raises $115 Million

Worldcoin is a new cryptocurrency project that aims to create a global digital identity system using biometric scanning. The project is backed by some prominent investors, such as Sam Altman, the former president of Y Combinator, and Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of LinkedIn. Worldcoin recently secured $115 million in funding from various sources, including Andreessen Horowitz and Coinbase Ventures.

According to its website, Worldcoin's vision is to "create a new global economic system where everyone has a chance to participate." To achieve this, Worldcoin plans to distribute its tokens for free to anyone who scans their eyes using a spherical device called an "orb". The orb is designed to verify the uniqueness of each person and prevent duplicate claims.

However, Worldcoin also faces some challenges and criticisms. Some people have raised concerns about the privacy and security of the biometric data collected by the orbs. Others have questioned the feasibility and scalability of the project, as well as the ethical implications of using eye scans as a form of identity verification. Worldcoin's co-founder, Alexander Blania, said that the project is still in its early stages and that they are working on addressing these issues. He also said that Worldcoin is not intended to replace existing currencies or identity systems, but rather to complement them and provide more opportunities for people around the world.

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