How To Escape FOMO in Crypto? Never Miss a Coin Detail Again!

How To Escape FOMO in Crypto? Never Miss a Coin Detail Again!

3 хв
1 year ago

Some token's price is spiking and you are not sure why? Let us help you out!

How To Escape FOMO in Crypto? Never Miss a Coin Detail Again!


Do you remember the recent memecoin season?
If you do, you may also have researched memecoins on CoinMarketCap. And knowing crypto, the next 100X of a coin you have never heard of could be just around the corner!
So how can you avoid being sidelined by FOMO the next time?

By using CoinMarketCap’s coin pages to its full potential!

So, here are some ways you can escape FOMO and be early for the next moon mission.

Check Chart? Good Chart!

Let’s take PEPE as an example.
You probably know about our regular price chart. But did you know that each coin page features integration with TradingView? This allows you to do all kinds of sophisticated technical analysis…if you know how to do it:

But it doesn’t stop there. You can also use the native ConMarketCap chart to analyze the relative performance of your token of choice. Let’s say you want to compare the price action to that of a similar coin. Type the token you’re comparing it with in the text box and let the charts do their magic!

Is this bullish? You decide:

Analytics for the Mathematically Inclined

If you are a numbers guy (or girl), you would want to check the tokenomics and analytics of a token on a reliable platform. No problem, we got you covered there as well! Click on analytics in this column to open the analytics tab:
You can analyze the amount of whales involved in a particular token. You can also investigate the distribution between HODLers and paper hands and how much of the total supply different wallets hold.

But there is more.

The left column of the three-column design provides more useful data, such as the circulating supply, total supply and fully diluted value of a token:

Research a Token’s Backstory

Analytics are useful, but you also want to know who’s behind a token… or at least who is following it. The left column of the coin page provides links to a token’s website, its social media accounts, its network information on different chain explorers and the aggregate of institutional ratings:

Where Do I Ape?

Now for the hard part…where can you buy the coins from? CoinMarketCap has you covered. Simply click on the “markets” tab in the middle column, and you will find a list of different markets where you can trade your favorite coin!

An especially useful feature: Each market is listed with its depth and volume, which allows you to estimate whether your size is really a “size” in that market:

Where’s the Latest FUD From? Check the News!

As it goes with memecoins, and sometimes also with regular coins, they fall victim to FUD. Where it comes from and whether it is based on facts is easy to check: just click on the news tab to find an aggregate of relevant news articles from different websites:

What Is HarryPotterObamaSonicInu10 About? Here’s the Answer:

CoinMarketCap has more than 26,000 cryptocurrencies listed. You obviously cannot stay up-to-date with how fast things are moving, but that’s what the CMC coin page is for. The “About” tab provides a TLDR description of all you need to know about a token.

Check What Other Degens Are Saying

They say crypto is a player-versus-player game. But even if WAGMI, it doesn’t hurt to check the sentiment of other market participants. You can do that in the right column, which links to our CMC Community. Chat with other degens about tokens, check news and developments and hang out in crypto’s latest community:

Something Missing? Let Us Know!

And that’s a wrap! Now you’re well-prepared for the next token gems, wherever they may come from.

If you have more suggestions or ideas for features to include on the coin page, sign up for our community and tag the CMC account with your suggestions.
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