Cryptopia CommunityCast: Fedeemar

Cryptopia CommunityCast: Fedeemar

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1 year ago

Fedeemar, a 19-year-old Cryptopia community member, shared insights on what makes Cryptopia unique and discussed the benefits of being involved in the community.

Cryptopia CommunityCast: Fedeemar

During the latest Cryptopia CommunityCast episode, we had the pleasure of chatting with Fedeemar, a 19-year-old university student from Negros Oriental who is a dedicated member of the Cryptopia community. Fedeemar is drawn to our community because of the opportunity to get involved in innovative and collaborative endeavours, as well as her eagerness to learn from others. She particularly loves that Cryptopia is a safe space for open discussions, which is a value we hold dear in our community.

Fedeemar went on to share her insights on what makes Cryptopia unique, what features of the game she finds exciting, and how being part of the community has positively impacted her life. We covered all of these topics and more in the podcast, which we encourage everyone to watch in its entirety to hear more from Fedeemar about her experiences with Cryptopia.

At Cryptopia, we're all about creating a supportive environment where people like Fedeemar can come together to learn and grow. We're committed to building an inclusive space where everyone is welcome to share their perspectives and ideas. Through our Cryptopia CommunityCast series, we're proud to showcase the diverse voices within our community and highlight the positive impact that Cryptopia can have on people's lives.


What is Cryptopia?
Cryptopia is an upcoming blockchain game that stands out by design:
• Free to earn: everyone can play and earn. No need to buy an NFT first
• 100% decentralized: the game runs on the blockchain in combination with a node network
• Fun to play: play the way you want!
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