In the world of competitive fighting games, Mortal Kombat has long been a staple. With the recent release of Mortal Kombat 1, fans were eager to dive into the latest installment of the iconic franchise. However, recent data analysis from SteamDB and SteamCharts reveals a concerni...
In the world of competitive fighting games, Mortal Kombat has long been a staple. With the recent release of Mortal Kombat 1, fans were eager to dive into the latest installment of the iconic franchise. However, recent data analysis from SteamDB and SteamCharts reveals a concerning trend: Mortal Kombat 1 on PC appears to be losing its player base to its predecessor, Mortal Kombat 11. Despite critical acclaim, the new release has encountered a series of issues, including visual bugs, gameplay glitches, and divisive microtransactions, leading to a decline in its player count.
Mortal Kombat 1’s critical acclaim marred by technical and monetization problems
Mortal Kombat 1 was met with critical acclaim upon its release, with reviewers praising its engaging gameplay and captivating storyline. However, beneath the surface, players began to encounter an array of technical issues that have marred their experience. Visual bugs and gameplay glitches have become prevalent, causing frustration among the player community. These issues not only hinder the overall enjoyment of the game but also raise questions about the quality of its development and post-launch support.
In contrast to Mortal Kombat 1’s struggles, Mortal Kombat 11, which was originally released in 2019, continues to enjoy a robust and active player base. Despite being nearly five years old, the game’s engaging mechanics and captivating storyline have kept players engaged. The narrative of Mortal Kombat 11, which saw Liu Kang’s ascension to godhood and the establishment of a rebooted timeline, has resonated with fans.
Data from SteamDB and SteamCharts corroborates Mortal Kombat 11’s enduring popularity. The player count for Mortal Kombat 11 on PC surpasses that of Mortal Kombat 1, with more players active within a week. Peak concurrent player numbers also favor Mortal Kombat 11. These statistics indicate that many players are choosing to return to the previous entry, finding it a more satisfying experience than the latest installment.
Mortal Kombat 1 vs. Mortal Kombat 11 on Steam
To shed light on this trend, a detailed analysis of player counts on SteamDB and SteamCharts was conducted. Mortal Kombat 11 consistently outperformed Mortal Kombat 1 in terms of recent player counts on the PC platform. Mortal Kombat 1, while experiencing higher all-time peak player counts around its launch, has struggled to maintain player engagement over time. Mortal Kombat 11, on the other hand, maintains a stable and active player base, indicating its enduring appeal among the gaming community.
While Mortal Kombat 1 currently faces challenges in retaining its player base, it’s important to recognize that the game’s developers are actively working to address the issues players have encountered. Plans to introduce bug fixes and DLC characters in the future could potentially reinvigorate the game and attract new players.