BeNFT Solutions: A look back at April and what’s to come in May!

BeNFT Solutions: A look back at April and what’s to come in May!

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Education Made Simple with AI-Driven Personalization.

BeNFT Solutions: A look back at April and what’s to come in May!


As BeNFT Solutions continues to revolutionize the online education industry, the month of April saw significant progress across various fronts. Here is a recap of the progress made and a brief on what’s to come in May.
BeNFT Solutions' commitment to delivering a top-notch user experience is at the forefront of its Operations team’s mission. Throughout the month of April, the team’s efforts focused on improving the platform’s efficiency and scalability, paving the way for further growth and innovation.
A key initiative was the integration of new AI algorithms that enhance course recommendations, course creation, and a new Corpus-based learning model, which makes it easier for users to find relevant content quickly. User feedback mechanisms were also implemented to gather valuable insights and drive product development, ensuring that the platform continuously evolves with the needs of its users.

In addition to these efforts, the Operations team performed tirelessly to optimize internal processes and improve functionality. The team implemented a new ticketing system to facilitate faster communication with the community, users, and partners, making support more efficient than ever before. New project management tools were also integrated, enhancing collaboration and productivity among team members.

To support the platform’s expansion and growth, BeNFT Solutions has welcomed new team members. With expertise in blockchain development, AI, and machine learning, these individuals have already contributed to the development of advanced and innovative features on the platform.

BeNFT Solutions Operations team has demonstrated a commitment to excellence in every aspect of its work. With an unwavering focus on enhancing the user experience, improving functionality, improving security, increasing transparency, and optimizing processes, the team has laid the foundation for continued growth and innovation in the months to come.

Onboarding new Strategic Advisors:

BeNFT Solutions has been expanding its team of strategic advisors, bringing on board some of the most knowledgeable and experienced experts in the blockchain and online education industries. Here are some of the key strategic advisors who joined the BeNFT team in April:

Firstly, Brian D. Evans , an expert in web3, joined as one of the strategic advisors. With his extensive knowledge and connections in the industry, Brian is expected to provide valuable guidance and insights to the BeNFT team.
Secondly, George Yung aka CryptosRus, a well-known content creator, educator, and investigative journalist, also joined as a Strategic advisor. With his extensive experience in the online education and crypto industries, George is expected to provide valuable insights and guidance to the team.
In addition to Brian and George, Garett Hartwell and Taha Egeli of Launch Verse also joined the team as Strategic advisors. Both bring extensive experience and knowledge to the team, and their insights are expected to be valuable in guiding the growth and development of the BeNFT platform.

The team is also excited to announce that more legendary names in the blockchain and online education industries are expected to join the BeNFT movement soon. These strategic advisors are expected to provide additional insights and guidance to the team, helping to further accelerate the platform’s growth and success.


On the Marketing front, the team has been working to enhance its brand awareness and reach, while expanding its user base and promoting its innovative features. In April, the team successfully executed a range of marketing initiatives to achieve these goals.

To strengthen its marketing efforts, BeNFT Solutions welcomed Moe Iman as its new Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), leveraging his extensive experience to develop more effective marketing and growth strategies.

One of the key strategies used by BeNFT was leveraging the power of social media to engage with its audience and promote its offerings. The team organized several Twitter Spaces sessions with industry leaders, including George from CryptosRus and Brian D Evans, to share valuable insights into the online education industry and generate buzz around the platform.
Finally, BeNFT Solutions published a revised White Paper for its AI Learn Engine, providing a detailed overview of the platform’s technical capabilities, its use of blockchain technology, and its approach to online education. This has supported in establishing BeNFT Solutions as a leading player in the online education industry, generating interest from potential investors and strategic partners.

In addition, the marketing team’s focus is going to shift to improving its content strategy to scale its Learn Engine, creating high-quality and engaging educational videos, infographics and blog posts. This approach will support BeNFT Solutions AI powered Learn Engine to attract more users, grow the grass root community and increase engagement on the platform.


To expand the platform’s reach and user base, BeNFT Solutions undertook several key initiatives in April. Firstly, the team launched the BeNFT Solutions Discord, a platform that enabled users and community members to interact with one another and engage with the team. Through this channel, new features, updates, and initiatives were announced, and valuable feedback from the community was gathered. This helped to foster a sense of community and belonging, which is critical for long-term growth and sustainability.

Secondly, BeNFT onboarded Brando as a new Brand Ambassador, along with a group of Community Managers and moderators to boost engagement and growth on the platform. These new team members bring valuable expertise in community building, marketing, and social media management, resulting in enhanced outreach and engagement on the platform.

Thirdly, the Growth team collaborated with several leading communities in the crypto space, such as VispX, and Apes Together Strong to name a few. These collaborations helped to broaden the platform’s reach and attract new users who were intrigued by the platform’s innovative features and blockchain technology use. By tapping into these communities, BeNFT was able to leverage their existing user base and brand equity to promote its own platform.

Overall, BeNFT’s has achieved significant progress in expanding the platform’s user base and developing a strong community around it. With the launch of the BeNFT Solutions Discord, onboarding new team members, and partnering with leading communities in the crypto space, the team established a solid foundation for growth and innovation in the coming months.


In April, BeNFT’s PR team successfully launched a PR campaign aimed at promoting the platform’s AI Learn Engine and upcoming TGE. The campaign was targeted at media outlets in the crypto and technology spaces such as Yahoo Finance, Yahoo News, Benzinga, Techbullion, and MarketWatch. The campaign generated significant buzz around the platform and was well-received by the audience.

To further increase the platform’s brand awareness and reach, as well as generate interest among potential investors and strategic partners, BeNFT’s PR team announced its plans to launch a global PR campaign in May. The campaign would run across 100+ media outlets in 7+ languages, demonstrating the platform’s commitment to providing quality education solutions that leverage blockchain technology.

BeNFT’s PR team has been successful in promoting the platform’s innovative features and benefits, positioning it as a leader in the online education industry. Through their strategic initiatives, the team has attracted attention from potential investors and strategic partners, ensuring the growth and success of the platform in the coming months.


The BeNFT community has had an exciting and fruitful month in April, thanks to the active involvement of both users and strategic partners. In order to continue building a strong and engaged community, the team has hosted a variety of virtual events, such as webinars and Q&A sessions with experts, as well as encouraged user-generated content on its social media channels.

Looking ahead to May, the BeNFT Solutions is determined to take its community to new heights through a variety of initiatives. Firstly, the team plans to forge collaborations with leading communities in both the crypto and education spaces to drive engagement and growth. This approach will involve cross-community partnerships, campaigns, and giveaways to attract new users and foster a strong sense of community.

In addition, the team will launch exciting and challenging treasure hunts and bounties to incentivize users to engage with the platform and its community. These initiatives will be designed to reward users for completing specific tasks or milestones, such as referring new users to the platform, participating in community events, or contributing to the platform’s development.

Overall, the BeNFT team is committed to implementing growth strategies that will expand the platform’s user base and build a thriving and engaged community. By collaborating with leading communities, launching campaigns and giveaways, and incentivizing user engagement, the team hopes to exponentially grow the community and establish BeNFT as a top player in the online education space.


BeNFT Solutions has made significant strides in fundraising in April, thanks to the successful incubation by VispX and the ongoing discussions with potential investors and backers. Here are some of the key initiatives undertaken by the team:

Firstly, VispX incubated BeNFT Solutions and helped the platform to raise $302,000 through private token sales. This funding was critical to the platform’s growth and development, enabling it to continue building and expanding its innovative online education platform.

Secondly, BeNFT Solutions is currently in talks with several investors and backers, which the team expects will lead to additional fundraising in the near future. While details of these discussions have not been disclosed yet, the team is optimistic that they will be able to secure the necessary funding to continue growing and expanding the platform.

Overall, BeNFT Solutions has made significant progress in fundraising, thanks to the support of VispX and the ongoing discussions with potential investors and backers. With this funding, the platform is well-positioned to continue developing and expanding its innovative online education platform and establish itself as a leading player in the industry.


BeNFT announced several new partnerships in April, including collaborations with leading universities, tech companies, and blockchain organizations. These partnerships will help BeNFT expand its reach, enhance its course offerings, and leverage cutting-edge technology to deliver the best possible user experience.

BeNFT Solutions has been working hard to establish successful partnerships with a variety of companies in the blockchain and online education industries. Here are some of the key partnerships that the company has created in recent months:

BitMart Exchange is a leading global digital asset trading platform. BeNFT Solutions partnered with Bitmart to promote and market the BeNFT token and platform to a broader audience. This partnership is expected to help increase the visibility and adoption of the BeNFT platform.
VispX is a blockchain incubator and a tokenless launchpad that provides support and guidance to early-stage blockchain startups. BeNFT Solutions was incubated by VispX, and this partnership has been instrumental in helping the company to develop and launch its platform.
Gotbit is a global leader in Market making and a VC.. BeNFT Solutions partnered with Gotbit to enable the effective management of the $BeAI token on Centralized exchanges. This partnership is expected to provide increased liquidity for the BeNFT token. is a leading decentralized exchange that is part of the Binance Smart Chain ecosystem. BeNFT Solutions partnered with ApeSwap to enable the listing of the BeNFT token on the exchange. This partnership is expected to help increase the liquidity and adoption of the BeNFT token.

In addition to these partnerships, BeNFT Solutions has also established successful partnerships with many other companies in the blockchain and online education industries. These partnerships have been instrumental in helping the company to expand its reach and provide users with innovative and immersive learning experiences.

Looking ahead to May:

In May, BeNFT plans to continue its aggressive growth trajectory, with a focus on expanding its reach in key markets and launching new courses and features. The team is also planning to host several virtual events and participate in industry conferences to engage with users and stakeholders and drive further growth and innovation.

  • TGE: The BeNFT token generation event (TGE) is set to take place in May. This event will allow users to purchase BeNFT tokens and gain access to the company’s immersive and innovative learning experiences. The TGE is expected to help increase the visibility and adoption of the BeNFT Solutions platform, products and offerings.
  • New Website: BeNFT Solutions will launch a new website for its Learn Engine in May. This website will provide users with a more intuitive and user-friendly experience, making it easier to access and navigate the platform’s features.
  • White Paper Improvements: The company will also make significant improvements to its white paper, providing a more detailed and in-depth explanation of the $BeAI tokenomics and the benefits of the BeNFT platform.
  • BeNFT Foundation: BeNFT Solutions will launch the BeNFT Foundation in May. This foundation will focus on charitable initiatives and provide users with the opportunity to make a positive impact on the world.
  • MVP Launch: BeNFT Solutions is planning to launch the minimum viable product (MVP) for its Learn Engine in early June. This MVP will provide users with a glimpse into the immersive and innovative learning experiences that the platform has to offer.
  • Other Exciting Developments: BeNFT Solutions is always working to improve its platform and provide users with new and exciting experiences. In May, the company will also be working on new collaborations, cross-community pollination, partnerships, campaigns, and giveaways, including some tempting and challenging treasure hunts and bounties.

May promises to be an exciting month for BeNFT Solutions and its community. We are committed to providing users with innovative and immersive learning experiences that leverage the power of blockchain and NFT technology, the long awaited TGE which is just around the corner, and there’s much more to come in the weeks ahead!

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About BeNFT

Welcome to BeNFT, the cutting-edge platform that fuses the power of blockchain technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to deliver personalized learning and earning experiences. We are reshaping the educational landscape by offering a diverse range of resources and tools across multiple disciplines, facilitated by our proprietary technology, Learn AI.
At the core of our platform lies the Learn engine, a unique feature that provides an immersive educational environment for learners to collaborate and learn. But, BeNFT goes beyond traditional e-learning by integrating DeFi functions such as evolutionary NFTs, NFEs, and SBTs as certificates, exclusive NFT collections on the BeNFT DeFi Shop, and a non-profit that champions community-driven causes.
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