Wombex is live on Arbitrum

Wombex is live on Arbitrum

3 хв
1 year ago

Wombex is live on Arbitrum With huge APRs on USDT, USDC, and DAI pools over Wombat Exchange

Wombex is live on Arbitrum

With huge APRs on USDT, USDC, and DAI pools

Dear Wombex Warriors!

Today has officially started its expansion into the multi-chain dimension. As of today, Wombex is 100% operational on the Arbitrum chain.

Wombex is deployed on Arbitrum and supports all Wombat pools from day one

Just like our BNB OGs, Arbinauts can now earn supercharged yields by participating in Wombex’s veWOM accumulation, LPs income boosting, and bribes.

In the first hours after launch, Wombex leads #WOMWars race on Arbitrum owning incredible 79% share of all veWOM locked and $3.45m TVL:

Are you ready for crazy APRs for stablecoins and bribes that are coming soon?

Let’s explore it together!

So, 79% of veWOM is owned by Wombex.

How could that happen?

Yesterday Wombex launched an Arbitrum Bootstrap Event that got a spectacular success during the first 24 hrs:


So, 65 addresses provided ~1.33m WOM. The WOM provision is well-diversified, and the biggest staker provided only 113k WOM.

Since Wombex natively collected WOM on the Arbitrum chain, all collected WOM were directly staked into veWOM and defined Wombex leadership in crucial launch time:


Other yield aggregators still have no veWOM on Arbitrum and are far behind in the #WOMWARs.

This outstanding share of veWOM ensures huge APRS since the significant share of all WOM issued for LPs goes directly to Wombex LPs.

Another interesting fact is that vlWMX token holders now dominate the Wombat Gauge voting and will collect the majority of bribes allocated when the Wombex bribe market is launched. We expect to launch it quite soon.


Since Wombex owns the majority of veWOM on Arbitrum a lot of WOM issued on Arbitrum is mined by Wombex LPs according to the Wombat Boost Formula.

It ensures outstanding APRs for Wombex LPs:

Note, that the right APR value (12.07% / 116.44%) — is the APR that is expected to be received by LPs in the future over 7 days.

So, what can users do right now to enjoy all these rewards?

Here is the list of possible users actions:

  1. The easiest way to get rewards is to provide liquidity to the USDC, USDT, or DAI pool. Just provide liquidity and receive WOM+WMX rewards
  2. Stake wmxWOM into wmxWOM staking option after the Bootstrap event ends. Now it offers quite big APR taking into account a lot of WOM mined vs tiny amount of wmxWOM staked.
  3. Transfer your WMX from BNB Chain to Arbitrum, lock it into vlWMX and enjoy collecting a significant share of all bribes provided to Wombat! Taking into account a little number of locked WMX on Arbitrum, the wmxWOM rewards (10% of all WOM mined by Wombex LPs) is also substantial.
An instruction devoted to WMX transfer to Arbitrum in published in our docs with screenshots: https://docs.wombex.finance/user-guides/how-to-bridge-wmx-to-arbitrum

An instruction here:

  1. Go to https://www.portalbridge.com/.
  2. Select the source and target chains, BNB and Arbitrum One, respectively.
  3. Connect your wallet.
  4. Select the token you wish to bridge and specify the required amount.
  5. Select the method you wish to pay for gas fees.
  6. Approve and transfer your tokens.
  7. Wait for blockchain confirmations.
  8. Redeem your tokens on the Arbitrum chain.

Wombex bribe market on Arbitrum

Make your vlWMX work for youBy participating in the bribe market, you can receive rewards by voting in the Wombex bribe market for Wombat pools. This will allow you to earn solid APRs. All you need is to transfer WMX to Arbitrum (see the instruction) and lock it. We expect to launch Wombex bribe market as soon as possible and will notify WMX community in all social channels.

WMX/USDT trading on Camelot DEX

There is an alternative option to enjoy high bribe and wmxWOM yields by purchasing WMX tokens on Arbitrum using Camelot DEX.

WMX Arbitrum address: 0x5190F06EaceFA2C552dc6BD5e763b81C73293293

WMX/USDT contract address: 0xe0e2697898855e580da7e14f2fb0aaf190a47d69768dd30fb160e0c90c5f9861

Dashboards and analytics

We prepared several dashboards for WMX community to track everything happening on-chain in Wombex (we will continuously update this list):

  1. Arbitrum Bootstrap Event: https://dune.com/wombex_finance/wombex-bootstrap-arbitrum-0x6497d94bcd3c83e936e55244b3e53be74d313741

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