CertiK Discovers “HamsterWheel” Sui Bug, Receives $500,000 in Bounty
Crypto News

CertiK Discovers “HamsterWheel” Sui Bug, Receives $500,000 in Bounty

11 months ago

Blockchain security firm CertiK has been awarded a $500,000 bounty by Sui for identifying and reporting a critical vulnerability called "HamsterWheel" before Sui's mainnet launch.

CertiK Discovers “HamsterWheel” Sui Bug, Receives $500,000 in Bounty


CertiK's Discovery Emphasizes the Importance of Bug Bounty Programs

Blockchain security firm CertiK has been awarded a $500,000 bounty by Sui for identifying and reporting a critical vulnerability called "HamsterWheel" before Sui's mainnet launch. The vulnerability is an infinite loop bug, which could cause the blockchain’s nodes to perform operations without processing new transactions, which can “ripple entire networks, effectively rendering them inoperable,” according to the statement released by CertiK.

Sui network promptly addressed the vulnerability and implemented fixes to prevent any potential damage.

CertiK's discovery emphasizes the importance of bug bounty programs and proactive security efforts in protecting blockchain networks. Kang Li, Chief Security Officer at CertiK, noted the evolving sophistication of threats to blockchain networks.

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