New Roadmap

New Roadmap

1 year ago

The latest road map on the official website and the partner's update

New Roadmap
KOLO.Market Roadmap V2

2022 Q2

KOLO beta version goes online and officially opens NFT public sale.

2022 Q3

1. KOLO starts to release music NFTs

2. “Listen To Earn”gets online

3. Mint H5 version gets online

2022 Q4

1. Web3.0 music streaming platform enters the development phase

2. Sponsored the Fritz Kreisler International Violin Competition in Vienna

2023 Q1

1. Launch Web3.0 music streaming platform

2. Web3.0 music streaming platform members participate in “Listen To Earn”

3. Open up the KOLO token membership payment function

2023 Q2

1. Expand the platform on its music content with multiple internationally renowned music labels

2. Develop and test the mobile and tablet applications

2023 Q3

1. Optimize the profit-sharing mechanism for NFT holders on the music streaming platform

2. Establish KOLO Artist Committee

3. KOLO tokens listed on exchanges

2023 Q4

1. Organize for the Metaverse music concerts

2. Invite artists to become in-residence on the KOLO platform

3.The world first release for the KOLO’s exclusive NFTs

2024 Q1

1. Launch the artists' funds

2. Discover the global young-talents

offical website:

KOLO Token:0xb274151f44D74C05E80C2D35f78D5430Ce9a8f3B
NFT contract address :0x386097241f81aC9605C090a0A2eadd50A5E1cCd3
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