OVER Unity SDK Major Update

OVER Unity SDK Major Update

1 year ago

Introducing the latest update in the OVER ecosystem – the Beta Version of the Unity SDK 0.1.1.

OVER Unity SDK Major Update


A cutting-edge revamp for creating unique 3D experiences

Introducing the latest update in the OVER ecosystem – the Beta Version of the Unity SDK 0.1.1.

The current upward trend observed in AR gaming is indicative of heightened interest and potential in the overall gaming market. The industry is currently in search of the next revolutionary 3D experience that seamlessly blends digital elements with the real world.

It’s timely therefore that OVER comes with this ‘game-changing’ update to the SDK. Content creation in OVER just got more sophisticated and engaging than ever before, with a range of Unity features and a node-based layer that enables you to develop groundbreaking experiences without coding.

To read all about the updated OVER SDK, check out our White Paper, covering everything from Main Features to Nodes, Triggers, Utils and more.
And then download the OVER SDK and get started. Click on this link to head to our Github page and start your download: https://github.com/OVR-Platform/unity-sdk
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