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O Koinbay

Founded in 2023, KoinBay is a centralized cryptocurrency exchange launched with the vision to increase crypto transactions on a simplified and familiar exchange interface with added services which transcend beyond crypto trading.

Users will be able to perform crypto purchase by fiat, spot trading, margin trading, staking, P2P buy & sell, swap, and much more. All the features are available on Koinbay's desktop web portal login, android app and iOS app.

Koinbay ensures stringent AML/CFT measures towards user onboarding and transactions being processed, and keeps registration with financial intelligence authorities. Measures include KYC diligence and CDD initiatives, external wallet screening, pre-transaction and real-time transaction screening, PEP and sanctions watchlist response action. These supervisions are performed by technology and an added tier of due diligence by in-house monitoring specialists.

The services in the exchange include the basic trading services to start with such as spot Trading with Onramp Offramp, and Wallets Deposit and Withdrawal; and Advanced Trading which includes Leverage Trading, Derivatives, Futures, and Grid Trading with a grid strategy plaza. In coherence to the pursuit towards the vision - the Value Added Services being added includes Staking, Gift Cards, Mobile Topup, Mobile Wallets, Fund transfers, DEX Swap and more ahead.

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