

Volume d'échange (24h) de Derivative


1,837 BTC

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À propos de GroveX

GroveX is a cutting-edge cryptocurrency exchange registered in Australia designed to set new standards in the digital currency exchange world. With a vision to simplify and enhance the trading experience for beginners and seasoned traders, GroveX combines many features, focusing on diversity, efficiency, security, and user privacy.

  • Extensive Trading Pairs and Chain Support: GroveX offers over 130 trading pairs, catering to various trading preferences and strategies. Additionally, the platform supports ten different blockchain networks, facilitating smooth and versatile transactions across multiple ecosystems.

  • High-Speed Transactions and Low Fees: Speed and cost-efficiency are paramount in the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency trading. GroveX excels in both, offering high-speed transactions and boasting the lowest trading fees in the industry, pegged at just 0.001%. This makes it a beautiful platform for traders aiming to maximize their returns.

  • Uncompromised Security: At GroveX, the safety of user funds is of the utmost importance. The platform employs state-of-the-art security measures to protect users' assets, offering peace of mind in an industry plagued by security concerns. This commitment to security ensures that traders can operate confidently, knowing their investments are well protected.

  • Privacy-Oriented Approach with No-KYC Policy: Respecting the growing demand for privacy, GroveX implements a no-KYC (Know Your Customer) policy for crypto-to-crypto trades for up to $10K US in withdrawal or deposit, plus any fiat to crypto and crypto to fiar require KYC. This approach streamlines the trading process, allowing quicker and more private transactions without extensive personal verification.

  • Future-Ready Design: GroveX is not just built for today's market but is designed with the future in mind. The platform's architecture considers upcoming developments in the crypto space, ensuring it remains at the forefront of technology and user needs.

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