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O Wavelength

Wavelength is the most advanced Decentralized Exchange (DEX) on Velas Blockchain. As a next-generation Automated Market Maker (AMM), Wavelength is built on top of the Balancer V2 framework to achieve the goal of becoming the premier liquidity hub for the DeFi landscape on Velas. Inspired by Balancer’s innovation, Wavelength leverages this technology to bring a suite of exciting features to Velas - such as Weighted Pools, smart order routing, stable swaps, concentrated liquidity, limit orders, and more. These improvements will enable higher on-chain volumes, more cost-effective trading, and the creation of custom AMMs. These functionalities are paired with highly liquid bridging solutions provided by Multichain, allowing a significant user experience improvement for transferring cross-chain liquidity to Velas and participating in the foundation of its ecosystems.

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