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O Sobal

What Is Sobal?

Sobal is a decentralized digital asset management platform built on Neon EVM (within Solana), utilizing powerful and flexible weighted liquidity pools that provide an unparalleled DeFi experience for investors and traders.

Sobal tools available to third parties include:

  • Vault accessible for flashloans or swaps.
  • SDK for SOR for price efficient swap calculations
  • Subgraphs for Pool data
  • API for token and pool data
  • Weighted, Stable and Managed pool creation and factories
  • LBP creation and factories

What coins are supported on Sobal?

At the time of writing, Sobal has liquidity pools for token pairs for NEON/USDC and NEON/SOL. Pools can be permissionless created and Sobal supports any ERC20 token that are non-rebasing/non-yeilding and have fixed decimal units.

Does Sobal have a token?

Sobal does not currently have a token.

What networks does Sobal support?

At current, Sobal has been deployed to the Neon chain, which is an EVM chain residing within a smart contract on Solana.

You can read more about Neon EVM here.

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