Ramses v2

Ramses v2

Khối lượng giao dịch Dex (24h)


871 BTC

Thông tin về Ramses v2

Ramses is a new decentralized automated market maker (AMM) launching on Arbitrum. The protocol operates through the RAM token and veNFTs. Ramses incentivizes liquidity by providing token lockers with the capability to direct protocol emissions towards token pairs of their choice. In return, lockers receive an anti-dilutive rebase, a portion of the swap fees generated by their selected pairs, and any bribes directed towards these pairs.

veRAM token holders are motivated to vote for pools with the highest trading volumes because these high volume pools also generate the most fees. In addition, voters are motivated to vote for pools with bribes from protocols looking to bootstrap liquidity.

LPs are incentivized with emissions that translate to real yield.

Traders benefit from low slippage because of the liquidity provided, in accordance with proven vAMM / sAMM tech.

Protocols can utilize a liquidity layer that is designed to promote collaboration. As a result, they can benefit from capital-efficient trading conditions for their tokens. Protocols also can incentivize liquidity by offering bribes to veRAM holders during periods of low trading activity.

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