My CoinMarketCap Diamonds

Collect CoinMarketCap Diamonds and redeem them for exclusive rewards and special offers.

Diamantele mele


Collect Diamonds

Collect your Diamonds every day

Log in 7 days in a row, your rewards will grow.

Day 2

+ 10

Day 3

+ 10

Day 4

+ 20

Day 5

+ 20

Day 6

+ 20

Day 7

+ 50

Additional Diamonds on App

Log in our App and collect diamond for at least 3 times within a 7 day period.

Day 1

+ 10

Day 2

+ 10

Day 3

+ 10

What are CoinMarketCap Diamonds? Read here

Want more Diamonds? Complete these tasks!

Ce țări vor legaliza monedele cripto în viitorul apropiat?

Fă până la 3 predicții și obține 10 diamante.


Got any predictions right?

If your instincts served you well, you get 50 extra Diamonds.