Handelsvolum (24 timer)
kr 78,072,113.26101 BTC
Totale eiendeler
Data om reserver utilgjengeligOm Luno
Luno is the crypto investment app you can rely on, enabling you to buy, store and explore crypto securely. We’re committed to putting the power of cryptocurrency in everyone's hands sensibly and responsibly.
Since 2013, we’ve helped millions of people around the world invest safely in crypto. We do this by cutting through the hype and supporting customers at every step of the way. All products and cryptocurrencies on our platform must first meet stringent legal, risk and technical security standards.
Transparency is key for us. Luno stores all crypto on a 1:1 basis and we have rigorous processes in place so you can be confident your investment is secure. We’re available in more than 40 countries around the world and we work closely with respective regulators in all of these markets to be fully compliant, as we believe this is the best way to help everyone, everywhere, invest safely.
All features are available on Luno’s mobile app for iOS and Android), and on desktop.
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