ApeSwap (Arbitrum)

ApeSwap (Arbitrum)

Volumen de trading Dex (24 h)



Acerca de ApeSwap (Arbitrum)

ApeSwap is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform offering a full suite of tools to explore and engage with the future of wealth building, overseen by the ApeSwap Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO).

  • Join by interacting with our community, using our DeFi platform, and purchasing our native utility tokens, BANANA and GNANA - Swap between different cryptocurrency tokens on BNB Chain, Polygon, Ethereum, Telos and Arbitrum using our decentralized exchange - Create liquidity between cryptocurrency token pairs to receive liquidity provider (LP) tokens, which can earn trading fees (liquidity mining) and be staked in Yield Farms or Maximizers to earn BANANA - Stake BANANA or GNANA in Staking Pools to earn tokens from partner projects - Lend and borrow crypto assets with the ApeSwap Lending Network - Purchase ApeSwap Bonds with LPs to receive discounted BANANA or partner tokens that vest over time
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