
How to Create and Claim a Galaxy OAT?

Project Galaxy is the largest Web3 credential data network in the world. Built on open and collaborative infrastructure, Project Galaxy helps developers and organizations leverage NFTs and digital credential data to build better products and communities in Web3.

What is an OAT

Galaxy OATs (On-Chain Achievement Tokens) are a creative solution to distribute NFT badges to communities as a record of participation. Brands and projects can use Project Galaxy’s infrastructure to create their own personalized OATs to reward their users. This includes anything from in-person events, various online interactions, or even AMA’s.

Galaxy OATs are used for validation that a user performed an action or participated in a specific event. You can transfer or sell your OAT, but the record of the action is stored on the Galaxy Credential data network. Available on Polygon and BNB chains, OATs appear in all NFT marketplaces so you can show them off.

More Details: https://coinmarketcap.com/gravity/articles/27859

Who can use OATs?
  • Brands and projects can use Project Galaxy’s infrastructure to create their own personalized OATs to reward their users.
  • OATs can be created for any occasion such as; in-person events, various online interactions, or even AMA’s.
  • Users or event participants can claim their NFTs via a gasless minting experience.

Where is the OAT NFT stored?
  • Available on Polygon and BNB chains, OATs appear in all NFT marketplaces.
  • Storage powered by IPFS and Filecoin.

How to Claim the OAT NFT?
  • Head over to campaign pages: 
  1. Celer: https://galaxy.eco/Celer/campaign/GCo5aUUddn
  2. Tranchess: https://galaxy.eco/tranchess/campaign/GCcpaUUqMg
  3. Venus: https://galaxy.eco/Venus/campaign/GCJYaUUP1E
  4. PearDao: https://galaxy.eco/peardao/campaign/GCpAaUU43U
  5. Alpaca Finance: https://galaxy.eco/alpacafinance/campaign/GC3zaUUaGr
  6. SecondLive: https://galaxy.eco/SecondLive/campaign/GC3LaUUa7F
  7. TopGoal: https://galaxy.eco/TopGoal/campaign/GCZVPUULwY
  8. Thetan Arena: https://galaxy.eco/ThetanArena/campaign/GCJiaUUHrp
  9. Galler: https://galaxy.eco/Galler/campaign/GCYHPUUcfa

Do I have to have OAT NFT in order to receive the additional reward?

The rewards will be distributed by 9 projects respectively after the campaign ends. Each OAT from 9 partners will unlock the rewards in a total of $180,000 prize pool provided by the respective projects. Hold OATs on Jun 10, 2022, 09:00 AM UTC (snapshot time) as the entry to receive the reward.