UST Investors Vow to Track Down Do Kwon — and Believe He's in Dubai

UST Investors Vow to Track Down Do Kwon — and Believe He's in Dubai

1 year ago

An article in the Financial Times features victims talking about "getting him" — with journalist Laura Shin raising concerns for the entrepreneur's safety.

UST Investors Vow to Track Down Do Kwon — and Believe He's in Dubai


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South Korean investors who lost substantial amounts of money when Terra collapsed are vowing to track down Do Kwon.

According to the Financial Times, members of the UST Restitution Group believe the Terraform Labs co-founder is in Dubai.

Kang Hyung-suk, who is planning to travel to the United Arab Emirates to look for Kwon, thinks "finding him could be easier than thought" — adding:

"There's a 50-50 chance of getting him in Dubai."

Of course, investors aren't the only ones currently looking for Do Kwon. South Korea has voided the 31-year-old's passport and has a warrant out for his arrest — making international travel especially challenging.

Interpol has also issued a red notice that means police forces around the world have been asked to locate and detain him — however, Kwon's name isn't on its website.

The FT claims that the UST Restitution Group has 4,400 members who "comb through the internet for clues on his whereabouts." It's also been suggested that he could be in Azerbaijan, Russia, Mauritius or the Seychelles.

On Discord, one said Kwon's days "are numbered" — and suggested that the group has contacts who are very close to Kwon.

Laura Shin Speaks Out

LUNA and UST collapsed back in May — wiping $60 billion from the crypto markets — and Do Kwon's behavior has further angered those who saw their life savings wiped out.

One member of the UST Restitution Group was quoted by the FT as saying:

"The entire timetable for my life's plans has been upended and set back many years. The stress on top of it has also probably shaved off several years from my lifespan."

Do Kwon has insisted that he is making "zero effort to hide" — and in what he has admitted amounts to "shitposting" on Twitter, bragged about going on walks and visiting shopping malls even while the arrest warrant against him was active.

It was thought that he was in Singapore, but police there have since said he's not in the city-state.

When asked on Laura Shin's Unchained podcast where he was — and why he wouldn't disclose it — Kwon said:
"The main reason I don't want to talk about my location to the media is because when the crash happened in May, there were lots of situations where personal security was threatened. For instance, people broke into my apartment building — even multiple cases where that was televised across my home in South Korea as well as my home in Singapore. Several of these people were reporters, and several of these people were regular people against whom I felt a fair degree of threats to personal security and privacy. It's not in the interests of 'being on the run' that I don't want to disclose where I live, it's just every time the location of where I live becomes known, it becomes almost impossible for me to live there."

You could argue that the revelations in the Financial Times add weight to this argument — and Laura Shin, the journalist who interviewed Kwon, raised alarm about the newspaper's report.

"I'm sorry, people, but this is totally not cool. What do they plan to do when they find him? WTF. People are crazy — Do was right when he said on my show that he can't reveal his whereabouts. Seriously, don't do this."
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