
Exclusive Rewards for KuCoin API Users: 50,000 USDT to Give Away!

Event Ends
Dec 11
4:00 pm

After sailing through wind and waves, the bull market has come! The price of Bitcoin has broken through $19,000! As The People’s Exchange, to show our sincere gratitude for all the support and trust from our valued API users, KuCoin is going to roll out activities exclusively for API users with a 50,000 USDT bonus!

Activity Time: 00:00:00 on November 27, 2020 - 23:59:59 on December 11, 2020 (UTC+8)

Supported Markets: KuCoin Spot market, Margin market and KuCoin Futures

Note: 10 tokens in the KuCoin Spot market are excluded from the activity: AMPL, AKRO, XSR, DIA, WXT, XRP, XLM, AMIO, CBC, and PLAY.

Qualified Users: This activity is aimed at API users who have API trading volume from 2020/07/01 00:00:00 - 2020/11/09 23:59:59 (UTC+8) but have no API trading volume from 2020/11/10 00:00:00 - 2020/11/23 23:59:59 (UTC+8). Users who meet this requirement will qualify for the activity.

Activity 1: 100 USDT Welcome-Back Airdrop for Each API User!

KuCoin Spot & Margin:

For every 5,000 USDT increase in API trading volume by qualified users during the activity period, they will receive a 10 USDT airdrop, with an upper limit of 50 USDT. The USDT bonus can be withdrawn.

KuCoin Futures:

For every 20,000 USDT increase in API trading volume by qualified users during the activity period, they will receive a 10 USDT airdrop each, with an upper limit of 50 USDT. The USDT bonus can be withdrawn.

Activity 2: Trade the Most on API & Share 20,000 USDT Prizes!

Welcome-Back Competition Share 5,000 USDT:

Qualified users to participate in the activity when:

1) they have API trading volume from 2020/07/01 00:00:00 - 2020/11/09 23:59:59 (UTC+8) but have no API trading volume from 2020/11/10 00:00:00 - 2020/11/23 23:59:59 (UTC+8)

2) their API trading volume on Spot is above 1,000 USDT or their API trading volume on Futures is above 5,000 USDT during the activity.

Elite Competition Share 15,000 USDT:

During the activity, all API users can sign up to share 15,000 USDT. The USDT prize can be withdrawn.